Hi there, Newby from Northern Melb.

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Feb 5, 2013
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Hey everyone. I come from Northern Melbourne..Ive been on here for a few hours reading and im going to have to ask a dumb question thats prob been asked a thousand times...So i thought id say hi and see if anyone here can point me in the right direction..My daughter has wanted a snake for over 5 years now. SHe turns 9 on ssaturday.
I think she is old enough for a snake now.
I want a small snake thats going to be able to be handled well..Issy will want to have it with her as often as i will allow...I have a small dog and i want a snake that wont get very big..DOgs a terrier not a chiwawa or anything.. I have read for hours about the first snake and what to get, but it seems to be a personal opinion really..
Is there somewhere here for first time snake buyers? Where i can ask stupid questions?
Thanks in advance...
Welcome mate. Have a browse through the forums and you should find all you are looking for and more. The marketplace is where you will find most of what Aussie keepers are selling and if you are after anything specific, you can place an ad in WTB section.

first thing I would do before going along and buying one after the research is pop along to someone you know who has snakes and let your daughter have a look. They live for a long time and should not be a novelty pet.
Welcome! So it took 5 years of nagging before you broke hey? :p

From what you have said, go google and check out the following: Spotted Python, Childrens Python, Stimsons Python. All closely related and grow to around 1m. Great snakes aswell. I started off with a Spotted Python at about age 12 or so.

Good luck!
I prefer stimmis out of the three mentioned, they seem to be the most bombproof when it comes to handling. My spotted is not keen on being handled, well that is an understatement really. We have all three at work and the stimmies are by far the most placid. But as stated, personal choice. Get hold of the book keeping Childrens Pythons and have a read, its a good little book and covers everything you need to get started. Feel free to PM me your number and I'll have a chat to you about the options if you like.
Ha! As soon as I asked for a snake my parents said yes :D Great life haha I only wish I asked sooner :(

Childrens, Spotteds, Stimsons would be your best options :D How about you let her choose the one she likes the most? Read up as much as you can. This site, books (KaotikJezta recommended one of the best!) and even talking to breeders :D Make sure she doesn't handle the snake too much in the first few weeks otherwise the snake will get stressed and dtop eating, etc.

I started with a Spotted Python last year. My little girl Jasper, I absolutely love her!!! She is so cute and beautiful, I'm sure your daughter would love a spotted :D

Great birthday present! Oh, and no questions are stupid. If you need to know, ask and we shall answer as best as we can :D
Welcome, and you have a lucky daughter, great to see a parent finding out about a pet BEFORE they get one. :D

Maybe go with an established (not a hatchling) or older python, that way their personality is already known, and you will be able to pick up a nice, placid snake used to handling.

I'd go with something small, Stimsons have a good reputation....and yes, the book mentioned is really valuable reading, as well as the basic documents written by Doc Roc, about python keeping...very easy to understand.

Reptile Husbandry Articles by Southern Cross Reptiles Articles 1, 2 and 3 are a must read.

Plenty of knowledgable people here to ask if you need anything....you wont have to worry about the snake eating your dog either, but always keep them separate, accidents can happen, and a dog bite could be lethal to a snake.
Gee thanks everyone.. The info is great...Im leaning towards a spotted i think..Ill look into the book...I came close a few years ago to getting her one...even spent $600 on a enclosure...I dont even know what they are called...lol and then i sold the enclosure to a mate from NANA who needed it...NOW ive gotta start again..Im hoping i can start off with a small enclosure?..And not the large one i had..
I had thought about an established one.. too..well ill delve through this stuff guys and thanks again..Youve all been a big help as thats what i was after!! Personal Advice..

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ohhh maybe i want her to have a Stimmi?

SOsoo my best bet would be to find snakes for sale on here and look around!!
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As a fellow newbie - to Pythons and APS - HI!!! I went for a Stimson's - but Children's were also on my list - that was close to full grown and established feeding on frozen. The animal I have is beautiful, placid, feeds well and is a joy to own. He's a great ambassador for snakes and I've had the most terrified people holding him within a few minutes. BTW - the advice you get from this Forum is invaluable, as you've already noticed.
welcome to the family. everyone here will be more than helpful. imo i would go for a stimsons :) like most ppl have suggested. just do your homework and make sure you get your daughter involved with the whole process.
You could have a look around the expo at the showgrounds on the 16th of Feb.

Is that around Melbourne? :oops:

Ohhh i see your profile and your in Melb so i guess i jist answered me own question then didnt i?
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Is that around Melbourne? :oops:

Ohhh i see your profile and your in Melb so i guess i jist answered me own question then didnt i?

As freeloader said the expo (only happens once a year) is great for new people to the hobby... mass gathering of breeders and a one stop shop for everything you could possibly need.

VHS ? 2013 VHS Expo
Don't forget to apply for your basic wildlife licence first, it can take up to 6 weeks to get back, and you can't buy a snake without one.

Department of Sustainability and Environment is where you can download the application forms from (assuming you are in Vic)

And the VHS reptile exhibition is on at the Showgrounds this month, an awesome opportunity to view lots of different species, buy, talk to breeders/keepers etc.
Hi Kirsty.
The only dumb question is the one you didn't ask!

I too would suggest going to the expo.
Hi Kirsty and welcome to the APS Family! I'm sure you'll love it here :) everyone is really great!!
Snapped, im on to that today!! Thanks..My daughter has been made aware that this actuall process will NOT be even remotely close to being completed by saturday!! So she knows she wont actually have it in time, but she dont give a hoot!! As long as shes on a promise thats all she cares about...Soo yeah guys n gals, ill get to that expo..sound like an axcleent day out with my twisted daughter!

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One day not long ago i gave her $2 to go into shop and get herself whatever...She came out with...$1.99 worth of chicken hearts so she could cut them open!.ANd see whats inside.."Did i do something wrong?" when she see look on my face..I quickly smiled and said.."Of course not honey..I just thought youd buy lollies"..."IS this bad mum?".."No babe..everyones curious about how stuff works, its just not many little girls with cute blond hair and pigtails buy this kind of thing to cut up." now do they honey...i say..

Poor little thing, she wanted to chase ambulances when she was only three!..Like "wheres that going mum and can we go see whats at the other end?" ...SHes always been different and sort of macabre, but ive explained that she might be a doctor or a vet or something like that one day and those people NEED to do what you like doing, so maybe its a really good thing that your not squeemish..lol...shes such a snake girl...

Bindi Irwin on steroids.....
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Snapped, im on to that today!! Thanks..My daughter has been made aware that this actuall process will NOT be even remotely close to being completed by saturday!! So she knows she wont actually have it in time, but she dont give a hoot!! As long as shes on a promise thats all she cares about...Soo yeah guys n gals, ill get to that expo..sound like an axcleent day out with my twisted daughter!

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One day not long ago i gave her $2 to go into shop and get herself whatever...She came out with...$1.99 worth of chicken hearts so she could cut them open!.ANd see whats inside.."Did i do something wrong?" when she see look on my face..I quickly smiled and said.."Of course not honey..I just thought youd buy lollies"..."IS this bad mum?".."No babe..everyones curious about how stuff works, its just not many little girls with cute blond hair and pigtails buy this kind of thing to cut up." now do they honey...i say..

Poor little thing, she wanted to chase ambulances when she was only three!..Like "wheres that going mum and can we go see whats at the other end?" ...SHes always been different and sort of macabre, but ive explained that she might be a doctor or a vet or something like that one day and those people NEED to do what you like doing, so maybe its a really good thing that your not squeemish..lol...shes such a snake girl...

Bindi Irwin on steroids.....

Or serial killer:shock: Just joking, its great she's so enthusiastic at such a young age.
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