New spotted python

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Dec 15, 2012
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Just picked up tonight a hatchie spotted python, very very cute little darling, I can't believe how small they are, he came from a great breeder and he showed me the spotted's parents, mum is 3 yrs old and still very spotty, dad is 5 yrs old and his spots are starting to fade out, but both very nice looking snakes, he has been feeding weekly on pinkie mice and I got the full hatch date to now records, I have finished off his click clack he will be in until he grows into a bigger enclosure, when he comes out again I will get better pics but I want him to settle in for a while


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Thats great.....I bet you are excited to get him!

I am in the same situation as you....Been awaiting for mine now for a little while and just before we were to get her she went into shed so the breeder suggested keeping her a until she had finished and began eating....which she has and we will be getting her this weekend.

I have an almost identical setup as you, Sistema container and heat mat.

One thing I noticed from your pic (and you might have checked the temps and they are perfectly ok) is that you appear to have a lot of the the floor of the tub in contact with the heat source (assuming that tile has a heat mat/cord under it?).

Mine is probably the opposite of heat mat is only covering just a tad more area than the towel is in yours (just around 1/3 of the floor area) - I have my thermostat probe on the heat mat and am getting temps of 32-32 degrees C on the inside floor of the tub at the mat end which is where the snake will be (measured both with internal thermometer probe on the floor, and an infra-red gun) and around 25-26 C at the cool end measured inside on the floor - again where the snake will be lying. In your setup it might be worth checking that the temp gradient is sufficient at the cool end.....I would not be able to achieve any gradient if my mat was as far under my tub as yours. Not saying yours is not right.....just suggesting it might be worth getting good temp reading inside the hot and cold end of the tub to make sure the gradient is correct if you have not done so already.

Enjoy your Spotted....We cannot wait to get our and let her settle into our family life. My wife is already planning what our next snake will be :)

You must be excited,
it does look like the tile is under a lot of the click clack but the heat cord under the tile stops at around the end of the toilet roll hide, so only the end 1/3 is in contact with the heat source, as the tile gets warm at the end the heat will move through the tile and cool towards the non heated end giving a gradual lowering of heat to the cool end, with a infrared temp gun the hot end is 33 on the tile and ambient at the cool end (25) and around 29 ish in the middle, also the heat cord is on a thermostat with the probe under the tile
You must be excited,
it does look like the tile is under a lot of the click clack but the heat cord under the tile stops at around the end of the toilet roll hide, so only the end 1/3 is in contact with the heat source, as the tile gets warm at the end the heat will move through the tile and cool towards the non heated end giving a gradual lowering of heat to the cool end, with a infrared temp gun the hot end is 33 on the tile and ambient at the cool end (25) and around 29 ish in the middle, also the heat cord is on a thermostat with the probe under the tile

Yes....the excitement is building. The hardest part will be explaining to the kids that we must leave her alone for a while to settle in!!

Thought you would have the temps at hand....Sometimes pics can be deceiving and don't tell the whole story but thought it was worthy of a mention just in case. Those infra-red guns are a godsend! My wife bought one for her business some time ago and it has been one of the handiest tools we have ever owned!

How old is the one your getting? Ours is 2 months old and the thing I couldn't believe is how small he is, my MD at 8 months old when I got him I thought was small, and then our jungle at 1 year old made the MD look small lol
Congrats Baturb! I love spotteds, they are such sweet tiny little worms :p I can't wait for the pictures :D
Mine will be just a tad shy of 8 weeks old when we pick her up this weekend. We seen/handled a couple of hatchling carpets in recent times and the Spotted is definitely a small girl compared to the Carpets we have seen.

We deliberately went a small species for starters....My wife was concerned that a large species may be great while young, but may become a handful when fully grown so we decided to start with a smaller species. Whilst I tried to explain that you get used to them as they grow and they do not grow up overnight, I was not prepared to scare her off a snake by forcing the issue - I knew full well we will have more than one snake so happy to make the Spotty part of the family and have others join us later.

In saying this....She has handled a larger carpet since and really does not have an issue with them - Hence she is now quite comfortable with the thought of a larger species. Our Spotty will always be special and will be a great snake for teaching the kids how to handle and look after one, and give us the respect and skills we require to move onto something larger.

Congrats Baturb! I love spotteds, they are such sweet tiny little worms :p I can't wait for the pictures :D
Thanks, I can see now why they are referred to as worms, how is yours doing? I am excited to watch this one grow up
Haha, I couldn't believe people were calling them worms until I got mine :p My girl is going great! Perfect shed this morning :D I can't believe she used to be able to coil perfectly in a toilet paper she can barely fit! I love watching them grow :D Good luck with yours!
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We got our little spotted out tonight to try to feed him, his last feed with the breeder was on the 6th, I offered up a little pinkie mouse and he struck hard and fast, what a little champ, after he got it down he coiled up and struck at us watching, I won't give him another now, I may offer him another in 5 days, but glad it seems like he won't be a trouble feeder, he's back in his click clack now, hot end 33 cold end 30


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Update on our little spotted, he has been powering on, settled right in been feeding every 4-5 days, handles well, had a complete shed and he is growing well, I have finished his life time enclosure, I will wait for the critters crumble to dry out and for the humidity to drop, and I think he is still to small for it yet, bit worried he will squeeze through the gap between the glass


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