Not so new Member
Hi Guys,
I have only posted in the introductions area mainly because i didn't own any snakes yet, i am in the middle of building a DIY enclosure preparing for a purchase next year.
But today i was looking on gumtree under the " Reptile " section ( as i do ) and i came across a advert for a " Hypa Childrens Python " it was just around the corner, and it was pretty cheap, but that is not what drove me to purchase. I am a lover of animals and when i become a owner of a new pet they become apart of the family and get treated like it..
Well like i said, scouring gumtree, came across the ad, and although i am not a snake keeper, the conditions of the enclosure didn't look as great as it could have. Bit of straw on the bottom and a branch. So i called about it and went and picked it up, ( i call the snake a "it" because i don't know if it's male or female, and when i asked they weren't sure either). When i opened the cage, i got hit in the face with a awful stench, there was moldy droppings in there and a big bowl with no water.
here is a pic of it, but that is after i scraped all the poop and straw out.
But if anyone can tell me what kind of snake it is, so i can get the care sheet straight away and make this snake a bit more comfortable. It is a pretty friendly thing, little weary at first but that i guess is being moved, the enclosure has 2 sides to it, so it is in the other side while i clean. Also is there anything from Bunnings i could maybe use as a substrate, i am going to turn this enclosure into one and give it a bit more room to move, and try and get the heat temp right. The enclosure did come with a heat cord that i am not sure if it was plugged in or not, so any advice will be appreciated, i have heat globes, globe cages, thermostat, heat cord, basically bits that i can use to get this right by tonight.
Anyway, Thanks guys & girls for any help.

P.S. I wasn't really prepared or planning on buying this little thing, but i know i can do a lot better than what it was already living in. I know people shouldn't buy on impulse and this certainly wasn't the breed i was aiming for but it will be a lot happier and comfortable here.
I have only posted in the introductions area mainly because i didn't own any snakes yet, i am in the middle of building a DIY enclosure preparing for a purchase next year.
But today i was looking on gumtree under the " Reptile " section ( as i do ) and i came across a advert for a " Hypa Childrens Python " it was just around the corner, and it was pretty cheap, but that is not what drove me to purchase. I am a lover of animals and when i become a owner of a new pet they become apart of the family and get treated like it..
Well like i said, scouring gumtree, came across the ad, and although i am not a snake keeper, the conditions of the enclosure didn't look as great as it could have. Bit of straw on the bottom and a branch. So i called about it and went and picked it up, ( i call the snake a "it" because i don't know if it's male or female, and when i asked they weren't sure either). When i opened the cage, i got hit in the face with a awful stench, there was moldy droppings in there and a big bowl with no water.

But if anyone can tell me what kind of snake it is, so i can get the care sheet straight away and make this snake a bit more comfortable. It is a pretty friendly thing, little weary at first but that i guess is being moved, the enclosure has 2 sides to it, so it is in the other side while i clean. Also is there anything from Bunnings i could maybe use as a substrate, i am going to turn this enclosure into one and give it a bit more room to move, and try and get the heat temp right. The enclosure did come with a heat cord that i am not sure if it was plugged in or not, so any advice will be appreciated, i have heat globes, globe cages, thermostat, heat cord, basically bits that i can use to get this right by tonight.
Anyway, Thanks guys & girls for any help.

P.S. I wasn't really prepared or planning on buying this little thing, but i know i can do a lot better than what it was already living in. I know people shouldn't buy on impulse and this certainly wasn't the breed i was aiming for but it will be a lot happier and comfortable here.