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Sep 10, 2013
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So, the day finally came.. I was bitten by my MDC python for the first time yesterday. I had tried using the listerine, but he was pretty resilent.0 After about ten minutes and a blue hand, a whole bottle of water tipped over his head, he released his grip! He had managed to grip between my thumb and fingers and bit from the inside to outside of my hand and was coiled around my hand and wrist, hiding his head. GOOD JOB ON HIS PART!

I'm hestitant to attempt to get him out again as he keeps going for my hand through the glass. Any ideas on this? He was a rescue adoption from the RSPCA and I got him about four months ago, so his situation and temperament beforehand was unknown.

Which gets me to my point... What's the worst you been bitten, how long did it take for your snake to release? The size of the snake AND importantly, battle wounds! Here's mine!

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got you good mate!! I haven't been tagged and coiled on but been tagged in defence by mainly antaresia snakes. I think the shock of them stricking hard is worse than the actual pain from the bite but still a shock.
Indeed! I'm slowly starting to bruise in places! The shock is definietly worse than the bite :? First experience and I may have freaked out a little. But realsing it doesn't hurt all that much is a relief.
It is natural to be shocked and freaked out. One of my biggest fears in life was being bitten by snakes. Now that I own them I am much better but it does take a bit of time.
Like a bike, just get up and go again.

:) i just get used to my boys and girls and their body language, never been hit once except for the little ones, they are no worries,
Sounds like a feeding response. They can be pretty hungry this time of year.
nice bite there, must be hungry, I'd give it a good feed and try again the next day. May be hook him out or open and let him come out at his leasure.

I got nipped good last night. I knew she was hungry and i tried to pick her up and my hand was too close and she latched on for a few minutes, first response was damn snake, saw it in my mind before she did it, second thought was wheres my camera.

so cleaned her tub while she tried to strangle my hand :D

gotta love it
nice bite there, must be hungry, I'd give it a good feed and try again the next day. May be hook him out or open and let him come out at his leasure.

I got nipped good last night. I knew she was hungry and i tried to pick her up and my hand was too close and she latched on for a few minutes, first response was damn snake, saw it in my mind before she did it, second thought was wheres my camera.

so cleaned her tub while she tried to strangle my hand :D

gotta love it

Yeah, it was a day out from feed day. Thank you for the advice! I'll definietly try that. This past week he started making loud wheezing/coughinh sounds (unsure how to explain it) and has been less active and keeping his head high. So I made an appointment with the vet tomorrow (soonest I could). Safe than sorry! I'll update how that goes and how easy getting him out is!

My second thought was camera after the shock! I wish I had of gotten one while he was attached though!
is he in shed? sounds like an respiratory infection. sounds bad if he needs to bend up to breathe. turn the heat up for 24/7. the vet will most likely inject with antibiotics. guess it would be a bad idea to open his mouth to check for mucous. would hate to try to inject him.
listerine? well if it helps the python Metholated spirits is best way snakes hate it recieved few bites and feed bites and metho is best only method i will use
Ooh, that's a good one!

The first 5 pics are of a bite I received from a Diamond I had who thought I was lunch when I was trying to clean his tank. He broke off a tooth with that bite. The next 2 are a spotted I had trying to eat me and the aftermath. The last ones are from my female MD who also thought I was food.


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Ooh, that's a good one!

The first 5 pics are of a bite I received from a Diamond I had who thought I was lunch when I was trying to clean his tank. He broke off a tooth with that bite. The next 2 are a spotted I had trying to eat me and the aftermath. The last ones are from my female MD who also thought I was food.
What a hit!!!! The snake must be a good size. Can you post a pic of the culprit leighkirra:p
Took him to the vet today, he had some bacteria in his mouth and a litle mucous (she did a mouth swab and looked at that) so he's on antibitotics. The vet injected him today, but will let me Saturday when I go, so I do not have to keep going back. He was relatively calm, a little jumpy when getting him out, but no bites! and only got a little upset when he was given his injection. His last shed was approx. a month ago. He seems to have settled down.

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Mum was with me freaking out alot more than I did and tipped a little metho and didn't react at all. If anything made him worse! So water it was.

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He's my little profile picture IMG_2022.jpg got that just after a feed! IMG_2959.jpg
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He's beautiful! Good job on getting the open mouth shot too, that can be hard to catch!
very nice looking snake :D mums always freak out more, just make sure they stay out of the way. hehe
Ive been tagged and coiled on by my carpets, both Diamonds at this stage. Freaked me out the first time as it took ten minutes to get her off, this was a feed response this first time, enticed her with a rat, got internal bruising on my hand for a week and couldn't use hand very well for a couple of days at work. Second time was one of the males, he had a shedding issue, shed left over his eyes and nose. Got him off with pinching the skin under the lower jaw, it seems to work, but not with all the taggers who won't release. I wouldn't suggest deliberately choking them but putting your hands soldily over their throat and letting them know you mean business seems to get them into survival mode and they release
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This wasn't a very fun place to bitten by my jungle. I actually got very sick a couple of hours after, vomiting and such. I went to the doctors and my doctor thought that it was because my jungle must have had some bacteria in his saliva. It was my fault though, made the mistake of leaving his large enclosure open whilst turning around to pick up a f/t rat out of a bucket. He was really hungry that day apparently.
So whats the weirdest spots people have been bitten in? I mostly get tagged on the hands, sometimes the arms. I've gotten a tag on my knee and also on my left side. Not on the face yet thank God!
So whats the weirdest spots people have been bitten in? I mostly get tagged on the hands, sometimes the arms. I've gotten a tag on my knee and also on my left side. Not on the face yet thank God!

I couldn't imagine anything worse than being tagged on the face!
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