Very Well-Known Member
Well Matt beat me to the APS post on this... but last is always better.
After a riveting day of school Matt and I wasted no time (Maccas is not wasting time!) getting to Little Desert NP
On arriving there we set up our camp, and the tempting calls of banjo frogs nearby lured us to their pond
Theyre hot looking banjos out that way!
Eastern Banjo Frog (Limnodynastes dumerili) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
Also saw these guys banging, Matt (who is immature) thought it was pretty funny
Water scorpions mating by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
Getting up early in the morning we went out looking for one of our targets, common scalyfoot.
After a few hours searching, and chasing after a sand goanna, we finally gave up . well got distracted by this amazing create :/
Obscure Skink (Morethia obscura) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
Bored of little desert, we headed north to big desert .. where we later met up with 3 other people
On the way there, along with the millions of shinglebacks, this fella greeted us in the middle of the road
Eastern Bearded Dragon (Pogona barbata) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
Eastern Bearded Dragon (Pogona barbata) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
Arriving at Big desert, we were swarmed by masses of dragons running across the road!
catching them was an extreme challenge
only got one photo of a boring female painted dragon, the bright blue males eluded us this time...
Painted Dragon (Ctenophorus pictus) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
Mallee dragon
Mallee Dragon (Ctenophorus fordi) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
Our first day was very successful at Big Desert, I found this guy basking in spinifex and it was absolute ecstasy catching it after reaching into a spiky bush
Common Scaly-foot (Pygopus lepidopodus) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
Common Scaly-foot (Pygopus lepidopodus) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
a boring looking burtons
Burton's Legless Lizard (Lialis burtonis) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
The first night brought out many geckos, and we cleared all the species up!
Beaded Gecko (Lucasium damaeum) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
An adorable wood gecko!
Wood Gecko (Diplodactylus vittatus) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
And southern spiny tailed geckos .. never get sick of seeing these
Southern Spiny-tailed Gecko (Strophurus intermedius) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
Southern Spiny-tailed Gecko (Strophurus intermedius) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
Blind snakes were out on the dunes, and it wasnt even raining .. something sus was up!
Dark-spined Blind Snake (Ramphotyphlops bicolor) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
Prong-snouted Blind Snake (Ramphotyphlops bituberculatus) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
Mitchells short tailed snakes
Mitchell's Short Tailed Snake (Parasuta nigriceps) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
Mitchell's Short Tailed Snake (Parasuta nigriceps) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
The next morning produced an awesome Tri-coloured burtons, i was super happy when i caught this guy
Burton's Legless Lizard (Lialis burtonis) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
Burton's Legless Lizard (Lialis burtonis) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
Matt found this scalyfoot active among the spinifex dunes .. these were getting boring! .. Rocket agrees
Common Scaly-foot (Pygopus lepidopodus) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
We were sitting down at camp that evening, and being the great leader i was on the trip, i suggested the weather was too perfect to stay at big desert ... if blind snakes were out with no rain .. something was up ... could it of been the lack of any moon?
taking a risk i told everyone to pack up and move further north to hattah .. i had a real target on my mind now seeing as blind snakes were out!
And here it was in all its glory! .. (wow im funny!)
Variegated Dtella (Gehyra variegata) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
Variegated Dtella (Gehyra variegata) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
Well we hadnt found anything driving through hattah at night .. good move nick! you idiot ...
maybe taking a leak would relieve some pressure
oh lord .. oh jesus christ.. OH WOW WOW WOW!
A bandy bandy had come to admire the show!
now this was an awesome find for VIC .. my move did work! tick!
Bandy-bandy (Vermicella annulata) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
Bandy-bandy (Vermicella annulata) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
Bandy-bandy (Vermicella annulata) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
I think all 5 of us agreed that that day was awesome and it couldnt get better ... oh were we wrong (seriously how?)
Getting up early in the morning, and having to battle for food with these annoying birds was our first challenge
IMG_92715 by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
We headed out to the spinifex country hoping to chase some diurnal stuff
The mallee dragons are a bit of a redder colour at hattah .. maybe it was embarrased that Matt had outrun it
Mallee Dragon (Ctenophorus fordi) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
Ctenotus brachyonyx darted from spinifex clumps
Murray Striped Skink (Ctenotus brachyonyx) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
Murray Striped Skink (Ctenotus brachyonyx) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
ASPID! ... One of the guys spotted this and Akash (cheekabee) wasted no time getting it .. finally someone had found something other from Matt and I
they redeemed themselves! .. well done akash and dan on this guy!
Strap-snouted Brown Snake (Pseudonaja aspidorhyncha) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
Strap-snouted Brown Snake (Pseudonaja aspidorhyncha) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
Matt and I went back to camp for a bit of a chill sesh, being a bit bored i went to take a crap!
walking to the toilets i heard thousands of bird screeches coming from nearby. i sent out detective Matt to solve the mystery
well lucky i alerted him because he screamed back there was a lacey... i had to hold it in for now. AGAIN!
Damn this was a cool way to spend an hour, sitting on a chair, sipping a coke watching a lacey 20 meters up in a tree fighting off birds that were annoying it!
Lace Monitor (Varanus varius) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
Lace Monitor (Varanus varius) vs raven by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
Knowing we were leaving the next morning, i joked to matt saying this trip could seriously not get any better. like cmon. we've basically cleared everything cool in VIC!.
But Matt didnt accept that we were finished, Matt did what all good Matts should do. Go out and find a DESERT SKINK. good Matt, Matt gets a pat
Desert Skink (Liopholis inornata) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
Desert Skink (Liopholis inornata) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
Now to seriously put the icing on the cake... Dan came back with this bad boy
with this bad boy that made my eyes pop out (damn you for keeping it!)
a vic tarantula!
Vic Selenotholus by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
So yeah.. what a way to spend 3 and a half days out! ... it was a bloody epic trip for VIC standards!
im very happy!
(btw all other inverts that were found on the trip are in this thread - )
but enjoy! ...
After a riveting day of school Matt and I wasted no time (Maccas is not wasting time!) getting to Little Desert NP
On arriving there we set up our camp, and the tempting calls of banjo frogs nearby lured us to their pond
Theyre hot looking banjos out that way!

Eastern Banjo Frog (Limnodynastes dumerili) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
Also saw these guys banging, Matt (who is immature) thought it was pretty funny

Water scorpions mating by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
Getting up early in the morning we went out looking for one of our targets, common scalyfoot.
After a few hours searching, and chasing after a sand goanna, we finally gave up . well got distracted by this amazing create :/

Obscure Skink (Morethia obscura) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
Bored of little desert, we headed north to big desert .. where we later met up with 3 other people
On the way there, along with the millions of shinglebacks, this fella greeted us in the middle of the road

Eastern Bearded Dragon (Pogona barbata) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr

Eastern Bearded Dragon (Pogona barbata) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
Arriving at Big desert, we were swarmed by masses of dragons running across the road!
catching them was an extreme challenge
only got one photo of a boring female painted dragon, the bright blue males eluded us this time...

Painted Dragon (Ctenophorus pictus) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
Mallee dragon

Mallee Dragon (Ctenophorus fordi) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
Our first day was very successful at Big Desert, I found this guy basking in spinifex and it was absolute ecstasy catching it after reaching into a spiky bush

Common Scaly-foot (Pygopus lepidopodus) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr

Common Scaly-foot (Pygopus lepidopodus) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
a boring looking burtons

Burton's Legless Lizard (Lialis burtonis) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
The first night brought out many geckos, and we cleared all the species up!

Beaded Gecko (Lucasium damaeum) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
An adorable wood gecko!

Wood Gecko (Diplodactylus vittatus) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
And southern spiny tailed geckos .. never get sick of seeing these

Southern Spiny-tailed Gecko (Strophurus intermedius) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr

Southern Spiny-tailed Gecko (Strophurus intermedius) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
Blind snakes were out on the dunes, and it wasnt even raining .. something sus was up!

Dark-spined Blind Snake (Ramphotyphlops bicolor) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr

Prong-snouted Blind Snake (Ramphotyphlops bituberculatus) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
Mitchells short tailed snakes

Mitchell's Short Tailed Snake (Parasuta nigriceps) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr

Mitchell's Short Tailed Snake (Parasuta nigriceps) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
The next morning produced an awesome Tri-coloured burtons, i was super happy when i caught this guy

Burton's Legless Lizard (Lialis burtonis) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr

Burton's Legless Lizard (Lialis burtonis) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
Matt found this scalyfoot active among the spinifex dunes .. these were getting boring! .. Rocket agrees

Common Scaly-foot (Pygopus lepidopodus) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
We were sitting down at camp that evening, and being the great leader i was on the trip, i suggested the weather was too perfect to stay at big desert ... if blind snakes were out with no rain .. something was up ... could it of been the lack of any moon?
taking a risk i told everyone to pack up and move further north to hattah .. i had a real target on my mind now seeing as blind snakes were out!
And here it was in all its glory! .. (wow im funny!)

Variegated Dtella (Gehyra variegata) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr

Variegated Dtella (Gehyra variegata) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
Well we hadnt found anything driving through hattah at night .. good move nick! you idiot ...
maybe taking a leak would relieve some pressure
oh lord .. oh jesus christ.. OH WOW WOW WOW!
A bandy bandy had come to admire the show!
now this was an awesome find for VIC .. my move did work! tick!

Bandy-bandy (Vermicella annulata) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr

Bandy-bandy (Vermicella annulata) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr

Bandy-bandy (Vermicella annulata) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
I think all 5 of us agreed that that day was awesome and it couldnt get better ... oh were we wrong (seriously how?)
Getting up early in the morning, and having to battle for food with these annoying birds was our first challenge

IMG_92715 by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
We headed out to the spinifex country hoping to chase some diurnal stuff
The mallee dragons are a bit of a redder colour at hattah .. maybe it was embarrased that Matt had outrun it

Mallee Dragon (Ctenophorus fordi) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
Ctenotus brachyonyx darted from spinifex clumps

Murray Striped Skink (Ctenotus brachyonyx) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr

Murray Striped Skink (Ctenotus brachyonyx) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
ASPID! ... One of the guys spotted this and Akash (cheekabee) wasted no time getting it .. finally someone had found something other from Matt and I
they redeemed themselves! .. well done akash and dan on this guy!

Strap-snouted Brown Snake (Pseudonaja aspidorhyncha) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr

Strap-snouted Brown Snake (Pseudonaja aspidorhyncha) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
Matt and I went back to camp for a bit of a chill sesh, being a bit bored i went to take a crap!
walking to the toilets i heard thousands of bird screeches coming from nearby. i sent out detective Matt to solve the mystery
well lucky i alerted him because he screamed back there was a lacey... i had to hold it in for now. AGAIN!
Damn this was a cool way to spend an hour, sitting on a chair, sipping a coke watching a lacey 20 meters up in a tree fighting off birds that were annoying it!

Lace Monitor (Varanus varius) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr

Lace Monitor (Varanus varius) vs raven by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
Knowing we were leaving the next morning, i joked to matt saying this trip could seriously not get any better. like cmon. we've basically cleared everything cool in VIC!.
But Matt didnt accept that we were finished, Matt did what all good Matts should do. Go out and find a DESERT SKINK. good Matt, Matt gets a pat

Desert Skink (Liopholis inornata) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr

Desert Skink (Liopholis inornata) by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
Now to seriously put the icing on the cake... Dan came back with this bad boy
with this bad boy that made my eyes pop out (damn you for keeping it!)
a vic tarantula!

Vic Selenotholus by Nick Volpe, on Flickr
So yeah.. what a way to spend 3 and a half days out! ... it was a bloody epic trip for VIC standards!
im very happy!
(btw all other inverts that were found on the trip are in this thread - )
but enjoy! ...