Snake gets cat - Picture Warning

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Not so new Member
Jul 30, 2015
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We all see these news stories of cats killing snakes and saving the day.. Then you get your crazy cat people defending the feral animals... here is a pic that will really get them going :)


  • snakecat.jpg
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About time...

That is one sexy scrub though!

I really wanna post it on every cat website ever
Doesn't matter what sort of animal it is, it's unfortunate that the OP thinks this is a fun photo. At best you should just shrug and move on. I'm not a cat lover by any means (I like individual cats, but of course, as a species they shouldn't be here). Cat lovers are entitled to their choice of pet, just as you are, and this probably caused the owners considerable distress - do you get some sort of spiteful pleasure from that? Don't get all high and mighty just because you like native animals.

Apologies Jamie,

I do love animals, I just ****** at the ferals... I'm probably not in the mood to be commenting these things as I heard about some annoying stuff about caravan parks building on one of the last ACT pops of delma impar... I'm sorry if I sounded like a jerk.

Doesn't matter what sort of animal it is, it's unfortunate that the OP thinks this is a fun photo. At best you should just shrug and move on. I'm not a cat lover by any means (I like individual cats, but of course, as a species they shouldn't be here). Cat lovers are entitled to their choice of pet, just as you are, and this probably caused the owners considerable distress - do you get some sort of spiteful pleasure from that? Don't get all high and mighty just because you like native animals.


Easy way to fix it, don't let your cats outside.
It's hard for me to fathom how someone can sympathise with the cat when they have caused so much destruction.
Easy way to fix it, don't let your cats outside.
It's hard for me to fathom how someone can sympathise with the cat when they have caused so much destruction.

Of course I agree that cats should be kept indoors to make the most of the bad situation - their existence already in this country. But I know nothing of the circumstances of this animal or how it was managed, or the events surrounding its death. It could have even been a staged shot with a roadkill for all I know... In my post, I didn't "sympathise" with the cat, I was suggesting that it may have been someone's pet, and its demise may have caused its owner some distress. It could, of course, have been owned by some bogan who got a kick out of seeing it killed by the snake, we may never know. (I seem to remember this photo from years ago, so it may be quite an old pic). Well-managed cats can be quite delightful pets, but as you say, but they absolutely have no place outside. This one has paid the ultimate price, but if it was a free-ranging animal, then that's probably not a bad thing.

I've seen threads here in the past ignite into Cronulla lynch mob-like hatred for cat owners, and I have to say that poor management of pet cats is probably more common that the opposite, but I do respect the right of someone to choose a cat as a pet as long as it is confined or closely monitored if it's outside.

Jamie I think you have taken this a little too seriously.. I think its great our native animals removing the feral animals for once.. As soon as a cat can walk outside unsupervised i could that as feral..

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haha i know right.. The cat people love hearing about a cat killing a snake.. show them that pic and they lose their *******

About time...

That is one sexy scrub though!

I really wanna post it on every cat website ever
I don't think any animal lover wants to see pics of dead animals, no matter the species.

It's in poor taste.

I have cats, I have snakes, I have dogs....I'm a responsible owner of all of them. My cats have an outdoor enclosure, but are mainly indoors by choice, free roaming has never been an option,for their own safety as well as the wildlife.

I don't believe cats should be allowed to roam and kill wildlife indiscriminately either, but I sure as heck won't be rejoicing and laughing at that photo. Not funny at all.
Jamie I think you have taken this a little too seriously.. I think its great our native animals removing the feral animals for once.. As soon as a cat can walk outside unsupervised i could that as feral..

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haha i know right.. The cat people love hearing about a cat killing a snake.. show them that pic and they lose their *******

I probably need to separate the sentiment I was trying to express from the incident in the photos, and it did cross my mind that it's a win for a native animal against a feral for once :). I was, I guess, suggesting as Snapped has pointed out, that some may be a bit distressed by that photo, and I've seen in the past how reptile keepers, on this site and others, take the moral high ground and slam all cats and their keepers. Reptile keepers are NOT doing wild reptiles any great service by keeping their captive-bred charges in cages, so they have no claim to the moral high-ground as pet keepers, but it's a bandwagon they're all too ready to jump on. Feral cats are a curse on this country, no doubt, and surely it is better that we keep native animals in preference to exotics like cats & dogs, but that's a different discussion.

I probably need to separate the sentiment I was trying to express from the incident in the photos, and it did cross my mind that it's a win for a native animal against a feral for once :). I was, I guess, suggesting as Snapped has pointed out, that some may be a bit distressed by that photo, and I've seen in the past how reptile keepers, on this site and others, take the moral high ground and slam all cats and their keepers. Reptile keepers are NOT doing wild reptiles any great service by keeping their captive-bred charges in cages, so they have no claim to the moral high-ground as pet keepers, but it's a bandwagon they're all too ready to jump on. Feral cats are a curse on this country, no doubt, and surely it is better that we keep native animals in preference to exotics like cats & dogs, but that's a different discussion.

It IS quite distressing to see. I love cats and snakes, and all animals for that matter, but I understand that they do cause damage to our native environment and that that is a problem. While I don't like it, it has to be done. My friend's uncle frequently goes out shooting feral cats. I'm reiterating what has already been said, but what really ticks me off is that someone can see this and laugh. There is nothing even mildly amusing.

@Hiramabif, your statement shows quite a bit of flippancy as to the point of being an animal lover. I would sympathise with feral cats for the simple fact that they are out in the wild because of their owner not taking the appropriate measures to ensure otherwise. Feral cats merely feed on native animals to survive, and have no intention of harming the natural balance of things.

Having said that, I understand they have to be controlled and stopped out in the wild. I just wish there was a solution short of killing them and taking pleasure in images as dark as these.
Scratch one free roaming murderous cat .... only 20 million more to go.

Absolutely zero sympathy for that cat's owners, had they been good cat owners and kept it inside or in an escape proof run , it would never have been killed by that snake. Their fault entirely . This happened because they are stupid.
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wow thats harsh, poor cat. Thats how nature works though...and OP had a warning on the post description so I give no sympathy towards anyone getting upset with this post :T
And we weren't picking up on the picture, rather the OP's obvious enjoyment of the image and of gloating to cat owners. Like a viking walking around with a rival's head on his spear, parading in that rivals village.
I agree, it's nature, it happens, the owners are obviously idiots but there isn't a need to gloat about things dying...

Cane toads and politicians, however are another matter...
And we weren't picking up on the picture, rather the OP's obvious enjoyment of the image and of gloating to cat owners. Like a viking walking around with a rival's head on his spear, parading in that rivals village.
that's an idea , have a bounty placed on ALL free roaming cats , payment per cat's head. Wonder how many cat owners would let puss roam free then ?
I made a trap ........ Use a tin of tuna as bait ...... I have caught dozens of cats around my house , then I take the trap up to the local RSPCA. They remove it , scan for a microchip and contact the owners and fine them ......$120 I think it is , when they pick them up. I have caught the same one several times - that's how stupid the owners are. The ones not microchipped don't return ..... Again , stupid owners.
Genius, but shouldn't the fee be higher for repeat offenders? People like that don't deserve to own a cat, or any animal for a fact.

RSPCA, hey? Tried to take away your herps yet?
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