Hi all,
I have just four Antaresia left for this season.
2 female marble Children's Pythons (pictured, SFP1 labelled, SFR2 unlabelled), about 7-8 months old, feeding and growing great.
1 female double 66% het (T+ and marble) Children's Python, SFDHJ2, labelled. Great feeder, in great health.
1 Adult female WA Stimson's Python, $190 OBO lovely nature, great handler, quite a large Stimson's Python, in good condition and will likely breed if you buy her soon and pair her up, or she'll make a great pet (get in touch for pictures).
I'm sold out of males for the year but if you buy any of the above Children's Pythons I can put you first in line for the proven breeder male(s) I'll have available later this year when they've finished their duties for the season, or I can put you first in line for a hatchling male (your choice of marble, double poss het, marble poss het T+, and I will hopefully have T+ poss 100% and 66% marbles, and tarbles).
I'll be able to hook you up with hatchling male T+ stimmies (the Colin/Snake Ranch mutation), 100% hets or poss hets next season if you'd like one to grow up and pair with the adult female Stimson's. Hatchlings will be available some time around January.
Inbox me, email [email protected] or call/SMS 0424 681 021 (SMS any time but no calls before 11AM, please)

I have just four Antaresia left for this season.
2 female marble Children's Pythons (pictured, SFP1 labelled, SFR2 unlabelled), about 7-8 months old, feeding and growing great.
1 female double 66% het (T+ and marble) Children's Python, SFDHJ2, labelled. Great feeder, in great health.
1 Adult female WA Stimson's Python, $190 OBO lovely nature, great handler, quite a large Stimson's Python, in good condition and will likely breed if you buy her soon and pair her up, or she'll make a great pet (get in touch for pictures).
I'm sold out of males for the year but if you buy any of the above Children's Pythons I can put you first in line for the proven breeder male(s) I'll have available later this year when they've finished their duties for the season, or I can put you first in line for a hatchling male (your choice of marble, double poss het, marble poss het T+, and I will hopefully have T+ poss 100% and 66% marbles, and tarbles).
I'll be able to hook you up with hatchling male T+ stimmies (the Colin/Snake Ranch mutation), 100% hets or poss hets next season if you'd like one to grow up and pair with the adult female Stimson's. Hatchlings will be available some time around January.
Inbox me, email [email protected] or call/SMS 0424 681 021 (SMS any time but no calls before 11AM, please)