New Ghost Carpets

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Jan 8, 2019
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These are my 2 6mth old new ghosts (caramel/hypo axanthic) I bought last week and hinted at a couple weeks/mths ago (idk time flies) they have settled in perfectly, so now I can take pictures while cleaning them out(Honestly they were settled in the first 24hours haha, that’s how calm and chill they are)
These were purchased from the awesome @Southernserpent who has some of the best looking ghosts I’ve seen! + he was awesome to work with

The female is a bit lighter than she appears in photos, will get a nice day time pic in next few days (got another cool snake coming hehe)

Female- interesting to note she hatched a lot lighter than the male and the male sort of lightened up and she darkened up, still looking good though! It’s also funny the strong patterning, yet the reduction of black when you actually look, almost
Like an optical illusion

Nice man! I think I'm starting to like the ghost gene!

Something i just noticed today was that the females "browns" are all the same shade - the black markings make an optical illusion that make it look like the browns are a varying shade (similar to that popular "which circle is bigger" - all the circles are the same but look vastly different), however if you notice in certain parts the breaks in the black, you can see theres pretty much no difference in the colours of the brown, This leads me to believe she is in fact a super caramel x axanthic and look forward to see how she will look!
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Something i just noticed today was that the females "browns" are all the same shade - the black markings make an optical illusion that make it look like the browns are a varying shade (similar to that popular "which circle is bigger" - all the circles are the same but look vastly different), however if you notice in certain parts the breaks in the black, you can see theres pretty much no difference in the colours of the brown, This leads me to believe she is in fact a super caramel x axanthic and look forward to see how she will look!
I don't know enough about morphs, however, like Brian Barczyk would say, "That is a ripper right there! Hoo doggy!"
Better start getting into them!
Yeah, I've got a 50% het caramel albino carpet that I'm hoping to breed one day. Maybe you could tell me what the best thing to breed him with would be, and what the results would be if I did?
Yeah, I've got a 50% het caramel albino carpet that I'm hoping to breed one day. Maybe you could tell me what the best thing to breed him with would be, and what the results would be if I did?
Breed it to a double het ax het albino and you’ll get Sunglows 50% het axanthic

Which if proves to carry the het gene, if you put it back over the Het alb Het ax you will get lots of fancy stuff! Lucky dip galore

Breed it to a double het ax het albino and you’ll get Sunglows 50% het axanthic

Which if proves to carry the het gene, if you put it back over the Het alb Het ax you will get lots of fancy stuff! Lucky dip galore

Nice! You've got me pretty exited now! Would't it be so cool to produce a sunglow axanthic! I might check out morphmarket. Also, what would a snow look like? And are there any other things I could breed him to?
Nice! You've got me pretty exited now! Would't it be so cool to produce a sunglow axanthic! I might check out morphmarket. Also, what would a snow look like? And are there any other things I could breed him to?
I’m pretty sure a sunglow axanthic is a moon glow

Snow is a moon glow with some lemon yellow hints
I’m pretty sure a sunglow axanthic is a moon glow

Snow is a moon glow with some lemon yellow hints

Snow is just an axanthic (or anery, which is more what the 'axanthic' carpets are) albino (two mutations).

Moon glow is an axanthic/anery hypo albino (triple mutation combo).

Sunglow is a hypo albino.
Sunglow is definitely a caramel (increased yellow) albino

I’m no expert on the moon glow but my understanding is caramel albino (increased yellows) stripper right back with the axanthism, makes no sense to throw anery in there as there’s No red? Maybe if u used a red hypo McLeod coastal
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I’m pretty sure a sunglow axanthic is a moon glow

Snow is a moon glow with some lemon yellow hints
What color is a moon glow? And what color is a sunglow too?
Sunglow is definitely a caramel albino
So if my carpet is het for caramel and albino would that mean he's het for sunglow?
What color is a moon glow? And what color is a sunglow too?

So if my carpet is het for caramel and albino would that mean he's het for sunglow?

Moon glow is a pure white snake

I don’t think it can be het for caramel, it’s either caramel or not

But if it is possible then yes it’ll be “het sunglow”
Sunglow is definitely a caramel (increased yellow) albino

I’m no expert on the moon glow but my understanding is caramel albino (increased yellows) stripper right back with the axanthism, makes no sense to throw anery in there as there’s No red? Maybe if u used a red hypo McLeod coastal

These terms are not specific to Carpets and have been used in other species since many years before the combos were ever made in Carpets. There are snow, moonglow, sunglow, etc Boas, Corns, etc. In terms of the terminology, anery (anerythrism) and axanthism are generally used interchangeably with these combos. In reality, the so-called axanthic Carpets aren't axanthic, and are more similar to things like anery boas, but anery isn't a term which was adopted by Australians, who tend to use morph terminology very poorly.
Moon glow is a pure white snake

Not always. Plenty of moonglow snakes have visible pattern in shade of grey/cream and some have a significant amount of yellow. Moonglow is classified as the combination of three traits.
@Josiah Rossic here’s a lovely pic by Jarred Sharp
Moon glow over a sunglow

visible pattern in shade of grey/cream and some have a significant amount of yellow.
not going to argue about the different shades of grey/cream and very light yellow

But Wouldnt the ones with fairly noticeable yellow be a snow then?
I guess it’s similar do you consider a bredli with a high percentage of black missing a hypo, aswell as as a bredli with a slightly reduced black level is technically a hypo?
@Josiah Rossic here’s a lovely pic by Jarred Sharp
Moon glow over a sunglow

View attachment 329695
[doublepost=1596421304,1596421216][/doublepost] not going to argue about the different shades of grey/cream and very light yellow

But Wouldnt the ones with fairly noticeable yellow be a snow then?
I guess it’s similar do you consider a bredli with a high percentage of black missing a hypo, aswell as as a bredli with a slightly reduced black level is technically a hypo?
Woa! Are those carpets?