Jungle Jag Shed Injury Please Urgent Help

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Rob Colbert

Not so new Member
Mar 6, 2019
Reaction score
Good morning everyone, yesterday I purchased an adult Jungle Jag from a pet store. No signs ever of neuro and other than that healthy.

I did notice however that there was a round section of its body that had layer after layer of stuck shed. I questioned him and he said it had a bad shed.

I ended up purchasing the Jag and gave him a good soak. When I picked him up out of the bath he moved and half of that stuck shed section all came of at once.

Underneath it was red raw. I've never seen a stuck shed look so bad underneath like it was below scale line

Please help. What should I do. Can I spray something on the area of concern like Betadine.

I'm really worried so any advice would help
it's crazy how many posts will advise people to steer clear of pet stores yet people still buy from pet stores and yet people still have issues

who told you it never had signs of neuro? the person trying to make the sale? good tactic - it's a jag, it'll 100% shows neuro to some degree

you will have to see a vet for treatment advice
edit: 1 bad shed would = 1 layer of shed, not layer after layer
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^that's how jag works. Some will have a higher expression of neuro and some will have lower but jags will always have a degree of it.
it's crazy how many posts will advise people to steer clear of pet stores yet people still buy from pet stores and yet people still have issues

who told you it never had signs of neuro? the person trying to make the sale? good tactic - it's a jag, it'll 100% shows neuro to some degree

you will have to see a vet for treatment advice
edit: 1 bad shed would = 1 layer of shed, not layer after layer
I appreciate your advice for next time when considering the purchase and tactics from dealing with pet stores. I guess they are the many mistakes we all make as we learn.

But as you will see from my post I am not interested in focusing on my many mistakes but rather the health of this animal...

So if you have something else positive to contribute contribute I would appreciate it but if not thanks for the heads-up on pet stores.

Enjoy the rest of your day 👍

I appreciate your advice for next time when considering the purchase and tactics from dealing with pet stores. I guess they are the many mistakes we all make as we learn.

But as you will see from my post I am not interested in focusing on my many mistakes but rather the health of this animal...

So if you have something else positive to contribute contribute I would appreciate it but if not thanks for the heads-up on pet stores.

Enjoy the rest of your day 👍

Take your snake to a reptile vet. it shouldnt be "red raw" after they shed
Good morning everyone, yesterday I purchased an adult Jungle Jag from a pet store. No signs ever of neuro and other than that healthy.

I did notice however that there was a round section of its body that had layer after layer of stuck shed. I questioned him and he said it had a bad shed.

I ended up purchasing the Jag and gave him a good soak. When I picked him up out of the bath he moved and half of that stuck shed section all came of at once.

Underneath it was red raw. I've never seen a stuck shed look so bad underneath like it was below scale line

Please help. What should I do. Can I spray something on the area of concern like Betadine.

I'm really worried so any advice would help
Hi Rob, sorry to hear you've been sold and injured animal. But it sounds like it's in good hands now with someone who will care about it!
Having not seen a picture and just relying on your description, it sounds as though it may have been a burn perhaps from a heat lamp?
By all means try Betadine but dilute it (1 part Betadine to 10 parts of water) as it is very potent. You can either bathe your snake again or use it on the wound.
It should be checked out by your vet as soon as you can ☺️
And as to buying reptiles from pet shops, I have purposely rescued most of my reptiles from inappropriate conditions at various pet shops. They have all done well with TLC and appropriate housing and care. My most recent acquisition is a baby beardie with one leg and half a tail because he was in a tank with several larger juveniles. The staff in the store told me he was "just munted". He's now chasing crickets like a boss 😄
Good luck with your Jag. I have one also and she's a darling.
And as to buying reptiles from pet shops, I have purposely rescued most of my reptiles from inappropriate conditions at various pet shops.
Good job, but you’re just promoting the stores to keep doing what they’re doing (bad care = someone will want to rescues it anyway)
Good job, but you’re just promoting the stores to keep doing what they’re doing (bad care = someone will want to rescues it anyway)
@Herpetology they have been reported to the Department who are currently investigating them. The staff attitudes were so bad when I tried explaining to them how the beardies should be kept, I really had no choice 😔
Hi Rob, sorry to hear you've been sold and injured animal. But it sounds like it's in good hands now with someone who will care about it!
Having not seen a picture and just relying on your description, it sounds as though it may have been a burn perhaps from a heat lamp?
By all means try Betadine but dilute it (1 part Betadine to 10 parts of water) as it is very potent. You can either bathe your snake again or use it on the wound.
It should be checked out by your vet as soon as you can ☺️
And as to buying reptiles from pet shops, I have purposely rescued most of my reptiles from inappropriate conditions at various pet shops. They have all done well with TLC and appropriate housing and care. My most recent acquisition is a baby beardie with one leg and half a tail because he was in a tank with several larger juveniles. The staff in the store told me he was "just munted". He's now chasing crickets like a boss 😄
Good luck with your Jag. I have one also and she's a darling.
Thank you Yeliena for being so caring and concerned for the welfare of my new python. I did see the injury but still decided to take her into my care so I could tend to her injuries. You are very caring looking after your animals.
I also thought that it was a possible burn injury too. I've made contact with the vets and until the see her are treating her with Betadine.
I truly want to thank you for your reassurance and understanding of this situation. PXL_20230304_234853162.jpg
This wasn't from mentone aquarium was it?
Out of all the thousands of pet stores in Australia you pick the exact one 🤔 now I am all ears. Do tell me why you were able to pick that exact one

How is it looking today?
Thank you for reaching out. Sorry I missed your question yesterday. The Betadine seems to be drying out the ooze from underneath the scales but it is still red raw. I feel so sorry for her but am so glad she is out of that environment. She seems to have really settled in to her new large enclosure and her defensive response has settled. She has a vet appointment tomorrow morning first thing so will update once I have their thoughts Thank you for asking

This wasn't from mentone aquarium was it?
Would you mind me asking how you guessed it was Mentone Aquarium


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I drafted this and then didn’t manage to post it. My apologies…

What you are currently doing is good. The follow is from something I wrote a while back on dealing with external wounds in snakes and lizards. I have left out the bit on cleaning and debriding the wound because I don’t think yours needs it. If any of the following differs from what the vet advocates, then follow the vet’s advice.

Any wound that exudes fluid means the skin barrier has been compromised and it is therefore a potential entry point for infective agents – primarily bacteria, but also viruses and fungi. It is therefore important to disinfect the wound and its surrounds, and minimize the likelihood of picking up these things from the environment until the wound has had an opportunity to seal itself. In deep wounds the initial sealing may need to be achieved through stitching.

Until the wound has sealed, it should be regularly disinfected using a daily soaking in a tepid bath of10% Bettadine lotion for about 20 min. To do this, use a shallow plastic tub and add sufficient water/ Bettadine, at around 28 – 30 degrees but no hotter, to cover the wound when the snake is put in. Put the lid on the container to prevent the snake from getting out, ensuring it has plenty of room to keep its head well out of the water. You can dry the snake off with clean toweling but should gently pat the wound area dry with something like a clean gauze pad. You can then apply an antibiotic cream to the wound area, such as Bettadine ointment or Silver sulfadiazine cream. Just use a cotton swab to smear a thin layer over the wound area. If you feel there is a need, this can be reapplied once or twice throughout the day.

If possible, it is best to set up a “hospital tank” to provide as sterile an environment as possible. For example, a suitably large enough plastic tub, at the required temperature, with only clean absorbent paper as a substrate. The substrates can be changed every few days or when soiled. Do provide regular fresh drinking water as per normal, but in a small water bowl so the snake cannot soak in it. Mop up any water spillages as soon as you see them and replace any wet substrate with dry stuff. Hides used in the hospital tank need to be non water absorbent and thereby easily disinfected.
Out of all the thousands of pet stores in Australia you pick the exact one 🤔 now I am all ears. Do tell me why you were able to pick that exact one

Thank you for reaching out. Sorry I missed your question yesterday. The Betadine seems to be drying out the ooze from underneath the scales but it is still red raw. I feel so sorry for her but am so glad she is out of that environment. She seems to have really settled in to her new large enclosure and her defensive response has settled. She has a vet appointment tomorrow morning first thing so will update once I have their thoughts Thank you for asking

Would you mind me asking how you guessed it was Mentone Aquarium
I was at that store last week and noticed their jag there and straight away noticed the big burn on it, mentioned it to my wife how clearly they should have had heat cages because it had clearly burnt itself
@Herpetology they have been reported to the Department who are currently investigating them. The staff attitudes were so bad when I tried explaining to them how the beardies should be kept, I really had no choice 😔
Good morning Yeliena, I was wondering what department you got in contact with in regards to the mistreatment of animals.
Good morning Yeliena, I was wondering what department you got in contact with in regards to the mistreatment of animals.
Hi Rob, I called the DELWP customer service centre on 136 186 and they put me through to the appropriate department. DELWP will only deal with native species, anything else should be covered by the RSPCA.
I was at that store last week and noticed their jag there and straight away noticed the big burn on it, mentioned it to my wife how clearly they should have had heat cages because it had clearly burnt itself
Small world for sure. My daughter also said it had no water in the enclosure. When we got home I gave it a 5 minute shallow warm bath because it was so dry and that's when I noticed that half of the scale section that was injured had lifted off and underneath was just red oozing flesh. Has since been to the vets and is on antibiotic injection every few days for two weeks.
Pretty sad for the python. And pretty rugged for the pet store