Gday all,
My research continues
thanks to the responses to my questions on here a few weeks ago, I have clarified what I want and what I need to do greatly.
I still have a lot of questions though, and some ideas I would like to run past all you experts.
first though: I am aware that a proper vivarium like this one requires more time and maintenance, and since it is my only one, I intend to do that extra maintenance and take the extra care
second: although it is peoples prerogative to keep their pythons in the manner that they like, and I criticize no-one for keeping their reptiles in any way they choose, keeping a python in a tub or small enclosure is not for me.
third: once I sink my teeth into a project I really do it properly, hence the excellent 6.1 home theatre audio system I created and built from scratch
(i'm not bragging, I swear!)
Ok, so I have been reading, and have found its possible to create a natural, living vivarium for various reptiles, including pythons (scales and tails, issue 8 pg 17 has a writeup on creating them)
so I have looked around, and found the URS Giant tall enclosure would suit my needs, however I thought, why not go one better.
A lady at a nursery/reptile store came up with the brilliant plan of using a shower base and structure, as it is able to be made waterproof, will look good and has adequate drainage.
here are my sketchup pics of a basic design I thought up, using a 900 X 900mm shower that I found on ebay.
the skeleton
basic vivarium fitted out with nothing
I figure I can make the frame fairly easily, got a few mates with welders, it can't be that hard right? just get some steel box section and away you go. non-glass walls will probably be an epoxy sealed (marine grade waterproof) plywood or some-such, with fake rock backgrounds etc.
for lighting/heating I am thinking a heat pad in one of the top corners, and 2 four foot UV fluoro's running the height of the tank in the glass/wood corners. this SHOULD allow plants to grow as well as providing a little more heat throughout the enclosure.
Roof and ground mounted LED's would provide actual enclosure lighting, probably a set of daylight LED's and a Blue LED next to each daylight one. (I figure an old computer supply in the roof/base of the enclosure should power them adequately, along with a 12v fan to ensure airflow through the tank) will have to put vents fairly low in the wooden walls also.
At this stage I am looking for input from experienced keepers on pitfalls I should look out for with this type of setup, as well as any suggestions.
Also looking for other species I can keep in the same vivarium with a jungle python that won't harm each other and live in the same jungle environment. So far have thought of turtles and stick insects and possibly rainforest scorpions, although I have no idea if that would work, more research required
My research continues
thanks to the responses to my questions on here a few weeks ago, I have clarified what I want and what I need to do greatly.
I still have a lot of questions though, and some ideas I would like to run past all you experts.
first though: I am aware that a proper vivarium like this one requires more time and maintenance, and since it is my only one, I intend to do that extra maintenance and take the extra care
second: although it is peoples prerogative to keep their pythons in the manner that they like, and I criticize no-one for keeping their reptiles in any way they choose, keeping a python in a tub or small enclosure is not for me.
third: once I sink my teeth into a project I really do it properly, hence the excellent 6.1 home theatre audio system I created and built from scratch
Ok, so I have been reading, and have found its possible to create a natural, living vivarium for various reptiles, including pythons (scales and tails, issue 8 pg 17 has a writeup on creating them)
so I have looked around, and found the URS Giant tall enclosure would suit my needs, however I thought, why not go one better.
A lady at a nursery/reptile store came up with the brilliant plan of using a shower base and structure, as it is able to be made waterproof, will look good and has adequate drainage.
here are my sketchup pics of a basic design I thought up, using a 900 X 900mm shower that I found on ebay.
the skeleton
basic vivarium fitted out with nothing
I figure I can make the frame fairly easily, got a few mates with welders, it can't be that hard right? just get some steel box section and away you go. non-glass walls will probably be an epoxy sealed (marine grade waterproof) plywood or some-such, with fake rock backgrounds etc.
for lighting/heating I am thinking a heat pad in one of the top corners, and 2 four foot UV fluoro's running the height of the tank in the glass/wood corners. this SHOULD allow plants to grow as well as providing a little more heat throughout the enclosure.
Roof and ground mounted LED's would provide actual enclosure lighting, probably a set of daylight LED's and a Blue LED next to each daylight one. (I figure an old computer supply in the roof/base of the enclosure should power them adequately, along with a 12v fan to ensure airflow through the tank) will have to put vents fairly low in the wooden walls also.
At this stage I am looking for input from experienced keepers on pitfalls I should look out for with this type of setup, as well as any suggestions.
Also looking for other species I can keep in the same vivarium with a jungle python that won't harm each other and live in the same jungle environment. So far have thought of turtles and stick insects and possibly rainforest scorpions, although I have no idea if that would work, more research required