Adder Keepers

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Very Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2004
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North West WA
Well it had to happen someday. My interest in herps has turned venomous now and we are moving towards keeping some wellsii ( pilbara death adders ). Obviously for appeal we will be keeping the red and black version but i may end up getting the pale banded form also, time will tell.

So basically i am curious how many of you keep adders and how you have found the experience?

Last week i sexed my first wellsii and have found my comfort zone with the process. I was amazed while watching another person pick one up how far they can twist their heads, as this one twisted almost enough to graze his finger with a fang. I cant wait to start keeping them and to see what results i can achieve in the future.
The only thing i don't like about adders is that they are venemous,if they weren't i'd definitely keep them as some have the most awesome colours.I just saw the nicest i've ever seen in a guys collection a while back which were hets from an albino so they were still normal looking but the red was so intense it was incredible....made me go WOW!!!!
When I get my cat 2 licence I will be serioulsy considering them. I absolutely love adders along with tigers.

hets from an albino
Now an albino adder, that would be awesome. A bit like those scaleless ones that were up for sale on herp trader a while ago.

In the meantime it will have to be a RBB.
By the way, love the adder Womas4me, great looking colours.
You don't need to touch an adder to sex it! Very easy to tell by looking at the tail shape! Easiest snake to sex!

They make interesting captives. The only problem is that people start to trust them too much because they are fairly docile and don't move around too quickly, but they are probably the most unpredictable snake I have ever kept, they can strike at lightning speed when you least expect it, much quicker and much more accurate than any other elapid I have ever kept. Although not the most interesting snake to watch, they are relatively easy to keep and breed and wellsii are one of the best looking snakes I have ever seen!

Good luck!

The wellsii certainly do have visual appeal. I have been told or read the adders have one of the fastest strikes of all elapids. They will make a great starter. I am hoping to move into the yellow and black tigers that are found in southern WA sometime next year. They are extremely good looking.
Roy pails has some WA Tigers.

I can vouch for them being spectacular looking snakes we used to go looking for them in the swampy areas of perth, saw some monsters.

And they were very agro.... every one of them.
I'm a bit detured because there is always the posibility of being careless and ending up being bitten, though they facinate me and i would still love to keep some.
What would you call the grim reaper if he was an accountant???

A death adder........LMFTOITTJ.
lol, well atleast u made an attempt for a joke shermy :twisted: :roll:
Now an albino adder, that would be awesome
sure would be awesome alright,apparently it is red white red with some pink,i guess a bit like a candy cane or some of the albino corn snakes.

I have watched Bob Buckley just put his hand in a tank full of adders in leaf litter and just lift one out ,saying they are so placid,meanwhile i was half cut and staring in amazement that this guy just picked up a death adder on the palm of his hand as gentle as could be and it just sat there :roll:
^^^ I agree with Dan...stupid thing to do.

I'd love to keep many of the elapid species...they are some of the most beautiful snakes we have, and certainly a lot more active than a python on average in my experience. I have as yet not taken my fascination any further because I'm not at all used to handling these snakes, nor am I familiar with how they act/react.

I love watching a confident snake handler do their "thing"...very entertaining...and soon enough I'm gonna start myself on the road to become knowledgeable in that area.

Simon Archibald
I was able to get the camera within a couple of inches of this guy But I cheated. the is glass between us.
I have been told that wild adders are the easist snake to photograph as they will tolerate being re arranged and/or transported via a snake hook as long as you are gentle. Haven't had the chance to find out for myself.
have to agree with everything ozherpconservation said... you dont need to pick up an adder to sex it... someone with no reptile experience can sex an adder with 60 seconds training.
Adders never get quiet, they sit and not move or get agressive cause its there natural defence... to hide away and hope they are not being seen.. if they feel threatened enough or get touched they will bite.
They are fairly easy to keep in all aspects.. however i do know alot of people that have had a number of them just drop dead for no apparent reason.
Juvs can be a pain to get eating pink mice, but will always take to skinks no problems.
I have a few adders but they are one of our most inactive snakes, makes them a tad boring.
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