aggressive woma pythons

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New Member
Nov 15, 2013
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Redland Bay, Queensland, Australia, Australia
hey guys was wondering if someone could give me advice on my woma pythons, i have 2 1 male and 1 female in different enclosures but since winter when they have woken from their sleep they have been very aggressive and striking at me and biting anytime i put my hand in the enclosure, even with a hook they will try and attack, they are fine thru the glass and will look at me thru it without striking but i cant grab them, any help would be apprecitated.
how old are they ? and what type of bite are they trying on you ? do they ever latch on in a feed response or is it just a strike
Sounds like they're hungry mate, maybe time to upsize their food? What are they eating?
Yeah..unless they're really small mice aren't going to satisfy a two year old woma in the same way one big rat or quail will.The constricting is usually a sign of hunger, womas love their food. Usually.
Definitely sounds like they are hungry.

Do you know how much they weigh approx? If over the kilo mark try feeding two medium rats (approx 130g each) every two weeks. If under the kilo mark maybe try one small rat and one medium. I normally go for 10-20% of body weight in each feed.

I wouldn't feed large rats especially every week as they tend to be fatty. Womas and Bhp benefit from a leaner diet otherwise they can end up with fatty liver disease.
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