Flaviemys purvisi
Very Well-Known Member

The Department for Environment and Water has launched an ambitious plan to build a cat-proof fence across the narrowest point of Kangaroo Island.
The fence will use a variety of technologies, including an electric grid on Hog Bay Road, and the design will include a gap, providing movement for native animal while halting feral cats.
It is the next phase of the Kangaroo Island Feral Cat Eradication Program, specifically focussing on Dudley Peninsula being launched by the SA Government.
The idea is to eliminate feral cats from the Dudley Peninsula using a variety of techniques, eventually applying the most effective techniques to the rest of KI, making the Island a feral cat-free environment.
“This ambitious feral cat eradication program aims to ultimately eliminate the invasive predator and cement the Island’s reputation as being a safe haven for native wildlife,” Minister for Environment and Water, David Speirs said.
“Feral cats decimate native wildlife on the Island and also have an impact on livestock which hurts our Island’s farming businesses.
“The first phase of the program involved monitoring the movements, densities and habits of feral cats, trialling a range of control tools in non-toxic mode, and informing the community.
“The findings from the initial investigations have helped to inform the design of the next phase of the eradication program on the Dudley Peninsula.
“The next phase will start with an 18-month project involving the use of Felixer grooming traps, with the aim of removing up to 500 feral cats from the Dudley Peninsula.
“Departmental staff will place and operate the grooming traps, working alongside landholders and volunteers who will be involved in data monitoring and analysis.
“As part of the program, feral cats on the peninsula will be contained within a cat-proof fence, which will be installed in coming months.
“Community concerns about the fence have been taken into account and the department is working with landholders on a suitable alignment to minimise unwanted impacts.”
The KI NRM Board has applied for further Australian Government funding for the eradication program and, if successful, this will allow the full program to be rolled out across Dudley Peninsula.
KI NRM Board presiding member Richard Trethewey said Islanders would be glad to see the back of feral cats, although this will be a long-term endeavour.
“Feral cats have a devastating impact on the Island’s native wildlife and carry diseases such as sarcocystis and toxoplasmosis, which can spread to livestock causing substantial economic costs to the Island’s sheep industry,” said Mr Trethewey.
Agriculture KI chairman Rick Morris said landholders were keen to work closely with NRKI to help roll out the eradication program.
“Given the impact that feral cats have on the Island’s livestock industry and wildlife it is no surprise that many landholders are keen to do their bit to support the eradication program,” Mr Morris said.
Department for Environment and Water regional director Damian Miley said that the program had conducted extensive investigative work to ensure there was minimal risk to native wildlife and domestic pets.
“Having a steering committee ensures that best practice and high standards are maintained to minimise potential adverse impacts to native wildlife and address any animal welfare considerations,” Mr Miley said.
Further information about the program is available online at: http://www.naturalresources.sa.gov....Kangaroo-Island-Feral-Cat-Eradication-Program
The findings of the first phase of the program have informed the program going forward these included:
- A high rate of uptake of non-toxic baits by feral cats and a consistently low rate of uptake by non-target species
- Cage trapping is successful for about 40 per cent of feral cats at best
- Felixer grooming traps successfully identified feral cats as targets 72 per cent of the time and will need to be recalibrated to increase their hit rate
- Detection dogs were able to locate their targets over 90 per cent of the time
- The density of feral cats on the Dudley Peninsula is 0.52 cats per km2 and their home ranges are larger than previously thought with an average of 6.3 km2 for males and 2.3 km2 for females
WARNING GRAPHIC: Photos of feral cats and their prey

CAT TRAP: A feral cat with a tag to be used in detection experiment in one of the cat traps being used on the Dudley Peninsula, Kangaroo Island. Photo courtesy NRKI

CAT TRAP: A feral cat with a tag to be used in detection experiment in one of the cat traps being used on the Dudley Peninsula, Kangaroo Island. Photo courtesy NRKI

DETECTOR DOG: An experiment using a tagged cats and a detector dog to see how effective dogs are detecting feral cats. Photo courtesy NRKI

AUTOMATIC FIRE: A trial using a mock cat of one of the grooming traps being used on the Dudley Peninsula that automatically fires poison at feral cats. Photo courtesy NRKI

CAMERA TRAP: A feral cat caught on an automatic camera trap with a grebe waterbird in its mouth. Photo courtesy NRKI

CAMERA TRAP: A feral cat caught on an automatic camera trap with a wallaby in its mouth. Photo courtesy NRKI

EATING BAIT: A feral cat caught on an automatic camera trap eating a poison bait. Photo courtesy NRKI

WALLABY SAFE: The automatic grooming that fire poison at feral cats do not target wallabies. Photo courtesy NRKI

FERAL CAT: Feral cats have a devastating impact on the wildlife of Kangaroo Island. Photo courtesy NRKI

FERAL CAT: Feral cats have a devastating impact on the wildlife of Kangaroo Island. Photo courtesy NRKI

MAY 14 2018

Feral cats will be declared a pest animal on public land
Feral cats will be declared an established pest animal on public land in Victoria.
This will come into effect later this year under the Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994, which comes from a recommendation by the 2017 Parliamentary Inquiry into the control of invasive animals on public land.
Feral cats have a major impact on Victoria’s biodiversity and are one of the most significant threats to threatened wildlife. The survival in the wild of 43 listed threatened species under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 is at direct risk from predation by feral cats, Agriculture Victoria wrote.
The declaration will require public land managers to control feral cats where key biodiversity values are at risk. It will only apply to specified public land being managed by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning or Parks Victoria. Only departmental and agency staff will be permitted to destroy a feral cat.
Feral cats will not be declared as a pest animal on private land, and farmers and other private landholders will not be required to control feral cats.