Any ideas? Bloody uric acid.

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Very Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2008
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This appears to be uric acid covered in a bloody muccas type layer. The only conclution me and a mate have come to is posible a failed attempt at reproduction and the female has now discharged this. But the male was still in with her so we're unsure as to which snake it came from. If anyone knowledgable with experience has any ideas let me know.

And please by "experience" I don't mean one or two snakes for a few months. If you have no idea don't post saying "no idea, show us the snake it came from" it's not going to help me at all.

I don't mean to sound rude but if any mods see any posts like i mentioned could they be deleted straight away.

Thank you.

Would anybody have any idea about I have never even heard o f it before???
If there is blood from the vent when a stool is being passed it probably means there is a rupture or tear in the bowel. Go to the vet.
the simple fact is you have to go to the vet. i can tell you this though. the blood in the picture is still red which means it is coming from quite far down the digestive tract. say the blood was a brown colour it means that it is from quite high in the digestive tract and has undergone digestion. i doubt it is urates, you should cut it up and see what is in the inside. and what colour if it is white urates surrounded by a bloody mucous there is a good chance you have damage to the rectal lining. whether a tear or some form of enteritis. all i can say is blood in the stool is never good and should be immediately checked by your vet. i had a young blue tongue pass blood in its stool, when i noticed the blood on the paper in the morning it was all ready dead.

you could be looking at some type of renal infection as well when you think of it there are numerous possibilities to what it may or may not be.
well i cant talk for snakes but with dogs and cats (and all other animals) blood in the urine or poo constitutes an immediate trip to the vet clinic if possible with a sample of the problem

i would separate the snakes to find out who it is in the meantime before you can get to the vet
just a thought cats that have blood in their urine usually have crystals in their urine just wondering if snakes can get crystals??? anyone know?
just a thought cats that have blood in their urine usually have crystals in their urine just wondering if snakes can get crystals??? anyone know?

heheh the urates are made of crystals :)

but that is a good question about things similar to FLUTD but in reps
It's definately uric acid covered in blood, I have already cut it up.
I'm not an expert but it looks like either an intestinal protazoal or worm infestation (i'd say protozoal) or a bacterial infection. Go to your vet and have them get it checked.
Sometimes female snakes that have been mated produce small amounts of blood.
yer thats what i meant helikaon you must work in a vet right?

yeah i do, reptiles and birds are my interests.

are the urates inside a nice white colour. if it was normal urates covered in a bloody mucous its probably from the digestive tract not from the renal system. if i was you i'd be separating, warming them both up and taking both to the vet straight away.
Yeah she was mated for several weeks, at first we thought it might've been something like that. Thanks.
The urate, was it a hard lump when it came out? Could be it was stuck and has just been passed like a stone in the bladder. ouch.
I wasn't there watching it come out if I was I'd have known which snake it came out of, so, nope, I don't know if it was hard when it came out. Was hard when I found it though.
what did the vet say?

just interested incase i ever come across something like that,...
Ok, but the photo gives the impression that the mucous and blood have not dried off yet so if it was rock hard it would have been so when passed dont you think. If thats the case then there may be some tearing from passing the lump. The dark coating on it leads me to believe it may have been sitting inside the snake for some time.
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