Bearded Dragon acting drunk and rolling

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May 22, 2006
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Have a five month old beardie, everything has been going well until the last few days.

She all of a sudden started to act drunk when moving, and when being held, is continually rolling like she's trying to get on her back. When held and when she's sitting in her cage, her head drops like it is too heavy for her to lift. when she's stationary, she always has her head facing down. She's mostly on her belly. It sometimes seems as if she's trying to rub her chin.

Visited vet the day after symptoms surfaced, and she acted fine like there was nothing wrong and the vet cleared her, but then the day after the symptoms reappeared.

Temps in the cage are all normal, there have been no changes in her environment or diet, she is still eating fairly normally (she's always been a fussy eater).

Have been using calcium powder sprinkled on her food, uv is in her enclosure, and have just started putting her outside for 30mins a day in a flexarium.

Am starting to get really worried.

By the way, I am not Chris, she is letting me use her account to post.
sorry , forgot to mention she is also comfortable lying on her back when being held, which i know is abnormal. she is also bloating herself occasionally.

Hi thanks for responding. I am going to ring the vet this morning and hope that they can see me.

Temperatures in the enclosure - basking site about 40, warm side about 33 and cooler side about 28 through the day. At night temps getting down to bout 20 in this weather.

Am worried that i am going to go to the vet and she will act fine again. Thats what happened on Thursday.

She moves around in circles on the floor of her enclosure and the flipping seems to be because thats the omly way she can move to get anywhere.

I am only a new beardie mum but i love her and am really worried.
Being a Mum is so worrying and stressful

Hope all goes well with the Vet and your little one is better soon
Certainly DON'T let the vet send her home again, even if they have to keep him there for observation. I've read so many posts like this but can't remember whether it's usually chest or middle ear? The website has a lot of posts on this if u want to search or post on there too so you're getting a broader range of answers. Let us know how u get on u poor thing:(
Thank you. No will fight harder this time at the vet
Hey, sounds like it may be a middle ear infection. These cause inflammation on the nerves responsible for balance and can cause animals to go around in circles, usually in the same direction and lie down a lot often in unusual positions. This is because they can not orientate themselves and they also often don't eat as the disorientation makes them feel sick. There are often no signs on the outside but check her ears carfully and compare the two and see if there is any inflammation of the ear drum (the part you can see). It would be difficult to diagnose in a bearded dragon as they are small and the usual tests we do such as radiographs would be difficult. There are also other things that can cause these signs so its difficult to say without seeing her.
One of mine did this.. It was a water logged ear that developed into an infection in the middle ear as HerpDr said.... He would be walking then take tumbles, fall off sticks that he was climbing, he wouldn't eat..

My local vet simply put him in a small click clack enclosure with plenty of heat to dry him out... He's been perfect since....

I had this happen to one of mine, same age too. I got some liquid calcium and was misting him more then normal, Also keep him flat dont have things that he has to climb to get too. From doing what I did he was back to normal in a week or so.
Dehydration can also cause balance problems & seems to be alot more common than inner ear infections. Is the vet you went to experienced with reptiles?
Hi everyone - thank you all for your help. Have just returned from the vet and yes both vets (in the same practice) are reptile vets.

She was not 100% sure and as Harmony is so small she could not take bloods or anything but it is a great possibility that it is an inner ear infection or some other infection. She is on antibiotics which for me is a little tricky giving injections. Oh well the things we do for love hey!!!

She also really started to shed all around her head this morning which is now on her chest and going down her back. The vet said that this wouldnt be causing her symptoms but I reckon the shed is just kicking her when she is down.

Vet also gave me some liquid calcium to give her daily. The one I was using was a powder and she is not eating much at the moment so bit hard.

Was really happy with the vet as she listened to what I was telling her and examined her. Not just examined her. cause physically Harmony is well - no physical problems - lumps or bumps - and a lovely pink mouth. And of course being in an unknown place she was up and alert which is what happened on Thursday. The vet today took what I was saying and listened to the symptoms so was really happy.

Now its just a waiting game and hope that we are treating the right thing.

Thanks again everyone

By the way I am Kat. Am using Chris's login while waiting for mine to come thru. Thanks Chris!!
Kat, am so pleased to hear the vet listened. Be brave re the injections - for the benefit of your beardie! Keep us informed hey! - Kathy:)
Hi all I have my own identity now. Harmony is doing better already today. Hopefully on the improve :)
She has eaten both some crickets and roaches today plus liquid and calcium. Her head has been up much of the day and just looks so much happier. Which makes mum happier too!!!!
Thanks for all your help everyone!!!!!
no worries Kat, was so happy u called last night to tell me she was scoffing down roaches! :)
It's not actually a middle ear infection, it's unshed ear skin.It cause's the animal to become unbalanced and look like they are drunk.The best way to treat it is to soak the animals head under water a few times a day and it should come good in a couple of days or so.At NO time should you touch the ear or try to remove the unshed skin from the ears, it should only be done by soaking.Some animals can have multiple layers stuck from various sheds and can sometimes take longer to come good.One last thing: It is not a brain prolapse or brain damage from excessive heat as a lot of people think, and it definatly has nothing to do with a calcium imbalance.Hope this helps.
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