Have a five month old beardie, everything has been going well until the last few days.
She all of a sudden started to act drunk when moving, and when being held, is continually rolling like she's trying to get on her back. When held and when she's sitting in her cage, her head drops like it is too heavy for her to lift. when she's stationary, she always has her head facing down. She's mostly on her belly. It sometimes seems as if she's trying to rub her chin.
Visited vet the day after symptoms surfaced, and she acted fine like there was nothing wrong and the vet cleared her, but then the day after the symptoms reappeared.
Temps in the cage are all normal, there have been no changes in her environment or diet, she is still eating fairly normally (she's always been a fussy eater).
Have been using calcium powder sprinkled on her food, uv is in her enclosure, and have just started putting her outside for 30mins a day in a flexarium.
Am starting to get really worried.
By the way, I am not Chris, she is letting me use her account to post.
She all of a sudden started to act drunk when moving, and when being held, is continually rolling like she's trying to get on her back. When held and when she's sitting in her cage, her head drops like it is too heavy for her to lift. when she's stationary, she always has her head facing down. She's mostly on her belly. It sometimes seems as if she's trying to rub her chin.
Visited vet the day after symptoms surfaced, and she acted fine like there was nothing wrong and the vet cleared her, but then the day after the symptoms reappeared.
Temps in the cage are all normal, there have been no changes in her environment or diet, she is still eating fairly normally (she's always been a fussy eater).
Have been using calcium powder sprinkled on her food, uv is in her enclosure, and have just started putting her outside for 30mins a day in a flexarium.
Am starting to get really worried.
By the way, I am not Chris, she is letting me use her account to post.