Bearded dragon birth defect????

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Aug 14, 2007
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I have a hatchling bearded dragon (approx 3 weeks old ) who seems to have a problem. I have had him for about a week. he seemed fine when i first brought him home but in the last couple of days he has been acting strange.
I first noticed he was running funny. he was dragging his belly on the ground.when i picked him up and put him down, he started wobbling like he was dizzy or drunk. he was throwing his head back uncontrollably like he was disoriented.
he hasnt done this again, but yesterday I was giving him water (dabbing a drop on his nose as I do with all my dragons) and he started throwing his head from side to side ( in a stevie wonder motion, but twice as fast), then he started running round in a circle, like a dog chasing his tail. He stopped and was lifting his head like he was having trouble swallowing the water.
this morning i gave him some water, and he started drinking the drops from my finger. he seemed normal. i checked the other babies and came back to him and he was doing the head throwing( for about 10 seconds ) then chasing his tail again.
the vet said it seems to be a motor neurone(spelling sorry). he seems healthy otherwise. he is eating greens and crickets.
I was just wondering if anyone else has seen this and is it something that will get better, or should i euthanase him.
i have had many dragons and never seen anything like this.
the temps and enclosure are all perfect as the other babies are thriving.
i just want to hear from someone who has seen this or might know something bout it.
I wouldn't make a decision to euthanase unless the behaviour affects its quality of life. If it has too much trouble eating or drinking in a month's time or so, then it may be the right course of action.
Im not going to euthanase him until I have done more research. I have asked on other forums and know one has seen anything like it. I have had suggestions it might have sight problem in one eye( he closes one eye a lot) or infection or brain damage.
It seems to be getting worse, he was trying to eat crickets this arvo and he kept going for it but missing and then rolling around on his head.
I held the cricket still for him and he still kept missing and biting my finger instead. after about five goes (and an hour later) he got it and ate it happily.
Its very sad to watch him. I will be devasted to have to put him down but it seems like the only option, if he gets worse.
If anyone has any info on the condition, it would be much appreciated.
ive had this happen twice with two dfferent dragons.

and seen (and helped others with it) it happen 15-30 times. it would seem the inner ear is drying out, which is why he has no balance, and its a sit and wait thing. make sure he has a basking spot of 40C and a cool side of AT LEAST 20C. he needs to be able to cool down. put a drop of oil on his ear, and gently wipe off with a tissue. repeat twice daily. mist regularly.

it 'should' go away within days. Pm. me for more help.
Thanks for the Pms guys, and thanks Kirby for your reply. I asked the vet about his ears and he dismissed it, but it makes sense with his balance and head movements. As I said I havent seen it before, so I am taking any advice I can get.
I will put all the info together and see how I go.
Thanks once again.
i have not rue answer for what it is, but its worked for me and others everytime. assuming its the same thing.

i originally thought it was a neurological disorder, but it went away in under 4 days.
If it was his ear, he would be constantly off balance. Not just sporadically like you have described. He wouldn't ever be able to walk or chase crickets. And the ear also wouldn't explain the tummy dragging.

You're describing him as normal until a stimulus 'sets him off' to me that sounds like a neurological disorder that is 'tripped' by certain stimuli. I'd keep him nice and quiet and reduce his exposure to large stimuli.
If it was his ear, he would be constantly off balance. Not just sporadically like you have described. He wouldn't ever be able to walk or chase crickets. And the ear also wouldn't explain the tummy dragging.

You're describing him as normal until a stimulus 'sets him off' to me that sounds like a neurological disorder that is 'tripped' by certain stimuli. I'd keep him nice and quiet and reduce his exposure to large stimuli.

That does sound logic to me also.
are you sure its not uv/calcium related? calcium problems are common and can affect some of a clutch and not others, due to individual variation.
i would dust all his prey, and put it out in the sun for 1/2 hr every couple of days.
calcium is necessary for normal neurological functioning too!
thanks for your input guys. I have kept dragons for a lot of years and have never come across this, I appreciate any comments. as i said i am collecting info from a few different places.
i get phonecalls every week from people that need help with their dragons and it is usually an easy fix, generally calcium deficiency. so i can see why you say that lynfrog. it could be that, as i have only had it for just over a week, who knows what the guy who i got them off was doing with them.
i am doing all the obvious stuff (calcium, temps, watering) just would love to figure it out, as he is getting worse.
thanks again for your comments
anyone else had any experience with it???
Well Kirby and Kylie, you are my new herp heroes. I think you were right. the little guy seems to be doing a lot better. He is not 100% better but he is chasing crickets again and his aim is a lot better. He is able to climb now without falling everytime he tried.Thank you so much for your advice.
Glad to help & so happy to hear he's doing better:)
Hi just letting you know the little guy passed away yesterday.I really dont know what was wrong wth him. After i did all the spraying and rubbing his ears with oil, he was a lot better. he was never 100% but eating and growing. would have a day every now and then that he was wobbly but most of the time he was fine. I had taken him to the vet, she thinks he had an ear infection from birth which affected his brain,,maybe causing slight brain damage.
I wouldnt have a clue. I have never seen anything like it and I have bred bearded dragons for many years.
I didnt breed him so i dont know what happened to him in the first few weeks. The other three I have from the same litter are all doing well.
I buried him in my pot plant at the back door...very sad..:cry::cry::(:(
i had 5 hatch out like this out of one clutch , i put it down to the 45 degree wheather we had and the incubater spiked , they where all doign the same thing head back shakes ect , 3 came good btu the other two became worse to the point i held a cricket infront of him and he struck in the other direction so i had to euthanise him
Yes, overheating will cause this "drunk" behaviour, whilst some get over it, I am not sure if they fully recover, those I have seen have remained less than outgowing for the rest of their lives. It seems like a stoke like condition.
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