ummmm.....haha..... NO!!!! ..... but you're in Melbourne - and I guess you do? :lol:
I read a few posts on how to make one and it doesn't look that hard so I guess if it does happen, I be bussy making one!
Really, I don't know what I was thinking. I realy was expecting that I would get a female and they would cuddle up and live happy ever after! Maybe one day have babies....but insted without saying hello, he basicly raped her and now I need a seperate enclouser.....the reason I got her WAS so I wouldn't have to buy another enclouser!!!
The funny thing is I sort of got her for me and hubby doesn't know yet!!! Well I am as hell sure he will notice once they multiply to 10!!! And if there is just another enlouser in the household! ....ooopppsssss.
And before you say I should have done my research - I HAVE! Everyone I asked said yeah, as long as female is bigger they be fine together! And most pet shops keep 2, 3 in same enclouser! So I figured........ well......u know the story!