Bearded Dragon Severe Change Of Colour

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Feb 16, 2009
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Horsham Victoria
Hello, I am new to this site and have also very little bearded dragon experience. I have a bearded dragon that I purchased as a baby in May 2008. I have no idea how old he was when I purchased him but he is around 30cm from tip to tail now. About a month ago he had a period of around 5 days where he was very lethargic, wouldnt move much or open his eyes, however he was still eating a few crickets and vegies. He (I call him a he but I am not certain of his sex) is in a proper enclosure with heat at one end and a reptile UV lamp at the other. Temp is around 30 degress at the hot end. During his time when he was lethargic he did a large grey stool. I spoke to a vet in Melbourne but he advised that he has never heard of such a thing as a grey stool. He has just shed all his skin for the first time, particularly the large area on his back and has had a severe colour change. He is now quite yellow on most of his body. I spoke to a local pet shop who advised me that they can go yellow if they are unwell. He is still eating quite well and passing stools and urine. . Can anyone tell me if maybe his is just a yellow bearded dragon or should I be seeking a vets opinion.
your bearded dragon sounds a little normal to me except for the fact that you say you have had "him" since may 2008 and he has now only shed???

Although i would have to agree with the vet and say that a Grey stool does sound weird! is or was it not cream in colour???

Also the colours of beardies to tend to change a bit as they mature so they can start off being brown grey and end up being bright red or cream or yellow depending a lot on its genes.

you do not mention how big your beardie is now? i wouldnt worry too much as long as he is eating and passing stool and urine i think your fine. any other wusetions let me know welcome to the site i am new here too
I think you should re assess your temps.I dont keep beardies but would think that a 30C hot end is far too cool.A 25C cool end up to a high 30's hot end (at basking site) would be more appropriate.
...... He is now quite yellow on most of his body. I spoke to a local pet shop who advised me that they can go yellow if they are unwell. ......

You know I can't give an exact diagnosis but to me it sounds like he is a yellow phase bearded dragon and in fact the yellow colour is a sign of good health, not ill. Our beardy goes a very dark, grey colour when she is unwell. When she is happy she is beautiful yellow and alert. As babies they are grey/brownish colour of different shades throughout, and their mature colours are their colour phase - some are yellow, others red, orange. Outside in the sun Phoenix also goes dark but I can tell the dark from soaking up warmth to her sick dark, it isn't the same.

I can't answer the grey stool bit but it would be best talking to a repitle-orientated vet as they have more specialist training in herpetology than others.

Yes I agree about increasing the temperatures. Gradually increase to 35c - 38c at hot end. Depending how big the enclosure is just watch that the heat doesn't heat up the whole tank but in longer tanks that shouldn't be too much of a problem.
The vet may have been referring to yellow fungus as being unwell, but as mysnakesau said light colours generally indicate a happy beardie, only exception being in mating behaviour they will blacken their beards.

Alot of hatchies seem to go through a bit of a phase where they sit around not doing much and keep their eyes closed for long periods of time, usually they snap out of it in a matter of days. Beardies arn't going to be active the whole time, they are reptiles remember, small short bursts of energy.

How big is your tank? 30 degrees does work fine in a smaller tank, i've had plenty of hatchies and adults at 30 degrees, also getting warm baths a few times a week to aid in digestion.
30 degrees sounds just a little bit low for Summer temps ,just beacuse it is a smaller tank doesnt meen that the basking spot doesnt need to be warm any size tank should have a good basking site and a coolside to the tank , i try to aim for high 30s to low 40s , you have to remember berrdies LOVE a warm basking site and wild ones will bask on the road in summer and the road has to be over 40 degrees in the strong summer sun!
Colour Change Bearded Dragon

What a great site. Thank you all for your quick and informative replies. In answer to the questions, his stool was a definate solid grey colour, similar grey to the backgroud of this site actually. He only did one the next stool was back to a reasonably normal colour and they are o.k. again now.

His tank is 850mm long, 450mm wide and 400mm deep.

I was also wondering about the energy efficient daylight globe I have in this tank. It is made by ReptaSunPlus and is a 26W Spectrum 10.0 globe. I was watching a current affair show on TV the other night where they were reporting humans having health problems because of the new energy efficient globes. Does anyone know if this applies to reptile globes as well?
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