Beardie attack

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Not so new Member
Apr 28, 2009
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Sunbury, Vic
We have had 18 baby beardies hatch last week and they have all been doing marvellously, eating like crazy (including veg) temps are all good, all being misted with water every few hrs. Today one turned savage and has bitten half of anothers little leg just about off. I immediatly seperated them, seems the little guy will pull through, but will probably loose part of his leg. Just wondering if anyone has had the same problem before? and what the cause could be?
They are in a 2 foot enclosure with plenty of space for them all to bask and receive UV light and also a few hides.
Any help would be much appreciated, I don't want to see it happen again.
Were you feeding them at the time even if you weren't it proably thought his leg was a cricket as most hatchies will do that,my 7-8 month old still has a mark on his tail from something like that.Take him to the vet and the may cut it off,he could possibly lose it so you should keep him as he may be special to you ;).

So hope all goes well :D
18 in the one 2ft tank i think is too many , how often are u feeding them ? the beardy that did the attacking was it a little bigger then the one it attacked ?
They are being fed morning and evening on crickets and have fresh veg in there at all times. The one that attacked was bigger than the one that was injured. I thought that the size/amount in the one may have been a factor, I seperated them and now there is now only 9 in each 2 foot enclosure.
They are being fed morning and evening on crickets and have fresh veg in there at all times. The one that attacked was bigger than the one that was injured. I thought that the size/amount in the one may have been a factor, I seperated them and now there is now only 9 in each 2 foot enclosure.
id even go one step futher and put the bigger ones in one enclosure and the smaller ones in the other .
I'd also be putting the one that bit in on it's own if u can. Some are just downright nasty little critters, very opportunistic, & he'll probably keep chowing down on whoever he wants, just cause he can.
18 in the 2ft definitely too many, so great u seperated them.
Thanks everyone, will seperate into larger and smaller today - good idea!
The one that is injured is on his own and the one who attacked has been fine so far but have been keeping a close eye on him. I think you were right 18 in the enclosure was just too many - lesson learnt, wish it wasn't learnt that way - I feel really bad! Thought I was doing everything right for the little guys :(
Hey, I think you've done very well!! We all learn from our mistakes, all good!! This forum is just wonderful for helping people!!! :D Good Luck with it all!!!

Just wondering how the little one was doing? Make sure you keep that little leg clean with diluted betadine daily, along with an antibiotic ointment such as neosporin or polysporin to help ward off infection as much as possible.
Are you taking him to the vet soon for that? Is he eating right now?

Sorry for the late reply. We kept his wound clean with diluted betadine and took him to the vet on Sat. No need for any antibiotic cream at this point. He is doing great, he is eating cricks and veg and running around like a normal beardie - just minus his foot. :)
Thanks everyone for posting with advice - really helped!
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Sorry for the late reply. We kept his wound clean with diluted betadine and took him to the vet on Sat. No need for any antibiotic cream at this point. He is doing great, he is eating cricks and veg and running around like a normal beardie - just minus his foot. :)
Thanks everyone for posting with advice - really helped!
thats good to hear that " stumpy " is doing great . did your beardy just have one clutch of eggs , or have u still got some incubating ?
"Stumpy" beardies are pretty common, but someone will give him a great home, I'm sure. Or, you can keep Tripod and have him be your special little guy :D Glad he's doing well.
Got another clutch in the incubator and she'll drop another any day now - not sure what we'll do with the little guy yet but just very happy he/she is okay :)
vittis and lawsoni are notorious for for eating buts of each other.
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