beardie help please

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Not so new Member
Jan 18, 2008
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jervis bay
Hey ive had my 2 bearded dragons for over a year now, they are older than this though,
they are usually very very lively and at the end of 08 i separated them due to a fight which caused Milo to lose a leg.
Crash is fine and a little slower than Milo at growing but something about Milo is worrying me,
He\she is acting odd and not paying so much attention to food, not even cickets or dandelions, he\she just grew a bulge in his neck which i thought basically popped up over night but must be normal due to they both dont have nice big beards yet, but ever since then he is acting odd, i'm thinking it could just be due to shedding and growth but when i took him for a bath before he was so so so thirsty and i lifted his head out of the water and i noticed drool, it seemed as though he couldnt swallow the water and opened his mouth a few times when i put him in the cage, he has plenty of water in his cage,
i recently bought two new lights, over the net, but the exact same as i had before but they seemed a little different to me,
so i'm curious, is this the normal way a beard is supposed to grow? or what?
ill take him to the vet in a few days just for a check up and to see how his leg is travelling along but he seems very sick.
x Rowyn
Not Quite Sure Sorry I Cant Help But For Sure Keep Them Separated for A Little While Then Introduce them back together again.
haveyou noticed how they have to puff like sort of things on the sides of there heads? well there gone on mine for a bit and it worried me, but there back now and he just finished shedding. could be different for your circumstances though, hope i helped.
Beardies don't always drink enough water. Couple times a week it would do him good if you gave him a light misting of fresh water. This helps was they will lick the drips that run down their face.

They do have spitty mouths but I don't think you should wait a few days to see the vet. Get him in ASAP it will help put your mind at ease.
yeah i have noticed he is taking a deep breath in and opening his mouth for a second like hes trying to swallow or something, he is slightly shedding around the area, but hes not keeping his eyes open as much and has only eaten one cricket in the past five days ive tried every kind of food that he loves, anyway thanks, i will take him to the vet as soon as i can as you said but its harder with school and mum working and i cant just take him with me everywhere atm.
thanks again.
he hasnt eaten for almost a week, he wont drink or lick up and mist and he is so so so thin, i cant get him to the vet til tomorrow but im worried he will pass away by then or worse just suffer for longer : (
he is still so proud and trying to hold his head up high to show off to whoever wants to look at him
whenever i pat him he looks so sad and in pain : (
his faeces arent even the size of a pea size now : (
That sounds sad :( In other animals, tiny stools and that look is a sign of impaction. But please keep us posted on what the vet says. Good luck with him, hope he gets better.
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