beardie help

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Jan 8, 2009
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coastal nsw
hi i have two 5 month old pygmy beardies and there both not eating- havent eatin any thing for days now, there usual diet is crix and fresh salads daily, they get calcium, got correct uv lights, heat 35 deg at hot end, cooler end 20-23 depending on weather. there just hiding in there caves all day and night, i've been hydrating them ( in case there not drinking)
can someone pl help
ps there both in the same enclosure have been since i got them as hatchies
thanx rach
How long have you had them in your care and their current enclosure?

Hot end could do with being hotter - between 38 and 42.

Keep in mind many slow down when the weather cools - what state are you in?
It might be the night temperatures if your not heating them at night they might be going to sleep for the winter but i duno about that a 5 months old. I've also heard they can tell what time of the year it is just by looking out the windows, therefore cooling themselves. My centrals have slowed down quite abit now.
to answer questions i live in coastal nsw , i've had these guys since they were 12 days old and they have lived together from day one, could be the weather as its been raining heaps
Try making it a little bit warmer and see if it helps. Also, it's possible that one has began dominating the other. Just watch for signs of stress and dominance to eliminate that as a problem.
Hi everyone i still need help in regards to this matter i have upped the day temp and there night temp is still the same but it been weeks now since they have eaten, i've taken out all of there hiding places, there losing weight there only tiny now, there been together since i've got them as hatchies, i need some ideas
have you tried to hand feed them as a last resort, do you mist them with a water sprayer as they might even be dehydrated which might make them not want to eat.
Hmmm, they could be going into shed, I know when my eastern sheds he goes off his food for a while then comes back on.

They could have worms or a compacted, what substrate do you use and when was the last time they pooped?
hey, i have a baby pygmy 1 month old shedding at the moment but still has a nice appetite.. so i dont think its because hes shedding.. maybe burmation? im in sydney and its pretty cold now but has been all year so... and im new to all this just my 2 cents :)
Take them to the vet. If there's no obvious husbandry issues, then it's usually a parasite or similar.
I honestly thing its time to go to a vet. I personally can't pint point the problem. Maybe stress? Since they are little. Regardless, they're passing into unhealthy territory which you cannot alleviate. Vet ASAP.
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