beardie poop question?

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New Member
Jan 10, 2009
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central coast
Hello again!

Firstly thanks to everyone who anwered my question about keeping reptiles in appartments u all really helped!
My beardie (4 months old) has just started doing softer poops than usual!:shock: hes done a couple before but it hasnt gone on for more than a few days as far as i can remember!
He has been pooping like this since saturday and previous to this his poops were very solid and healthy looking!
Theres been no change in diet and he is an extremely clean dragon! i cant think of anything that could have caused a parasite infestation! he still poops at the normal times ( usually once a day) but today his poop was huge! its not so much runny its just mushier than usual and it still smells which ive been told is good? hes still his usual little self, hes not off his food but he has been basking alot, dont know if its the cold weather!
If anyone has any idea or has had a similar problem could you please let me know?
oh and im going to make an appointment at david vellas surgery for a general check up and to see if he has a problem!
Sorry for the massive post!:D
some days poops are just softer than others,..

is he eating salads yet?

crickets are they most common carrier of parasites, i stopped using them when my first 2 got sick,...havent had any probs since theyve been on roaches,...

ur dragon sounds fine to me,...i'd start worrying if his appetite was decreased or his poos were majorly runny for more than a few days and he was acting abnormally,..

a trip to the vet wouldnt hurt, but it doesnt sound like hes sick.
thanks heaps chris,
i thought that sometimes their poops were just a bit softer, he only eats buck choy he refuses to eat any other greens he runs away and gives me evil looks when i try and feed him carrot or broccoli! what company did the crickets u fed your beardiescome from? i use just the general ones from pets paradise or pet barn that have the bird and lizard cartoon on the front ( i cant remember the name), and where can u get roaches from?
if you have changed the brand of crickets or roaches this could be enough to change your beardies poos. one supplier may feed a different diet to their crickets or roaches than another supplier, so the insects could have a different stomach content which could change your beardie
the crickets were pices ones, but the dirty mouldy ones from crappy petshops,...

roaches are available at herpshop,...

as long as hes eating some greens its a start,..he'll get there! :)
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