Beardie summer/winter enclosure setup

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Not so new Member
Feb 24, 2008
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Hi all,

I'm looking to get a Beardie but I have a few questions for you all. My place isn't air conditioned and with my Bredli on really hot days I use the frozen wrapped up water bottle to keep him cool. Does this technique work with bearded dragons? Are there any other ways to keep em a tad cooler on those hot days...if we ever get any in Melbourne. Also in winter what is the best way to keep them warmer, at the moment I'm set on running a MVB as its heat/uv in one but winter nights here get cold, I wanted to avoid buying another thermostat to run a ceramic at night, any other options?

The enclosure I'm looking to build will be a 4x2x2 melamine, glass front and ventilated/screen top, I was looking to put the MVB above the enclosure coming through the screen top, but I've read that 100w MVBs don't get really hot and need to be about 30-40cm away. Should I make the enclosure shorter than 60cm, is that an option?

I've also seen hatchlings being kept in plastic tubs for the first few months. What is the easiest way to provide heat/uv in the tub? MVB will be too powerful wont they?

Thanks, Andrew
You can't use thermostats with MVBS. If its an adult I don't heat them at night in winter or summer.. Babies I keep heated in Winter but in summer there fine.. as long as it doesn't drop really low (under 10c) they will be fine. Make sure you have lots of vents in the 4x2x2 as they do get really hot.. In summer you'll have to downgrade to ordinary bulb and a tube uvb, I wouldn't go any lower then 40c height.. mvbs should be atleast 12inches away from the dragon..

Babies I use 50L tub from cheap shops, clamp lamp with a ordinary bulb (from coles,woolies etc) that are 50-75watt and it keeps there basking spot at 40c, uvb tube is run across multi tubs, I keep a dish in the cool end so they can sit in it when its really hot, I have put two ice cubes in it on stinkin hot days and it keeps it fine. Just make sure its shallow and they can get out

Thanks Dave, huge help. If i'm going to have to downgrade in summer may as well use that setup all year round, normal spotlight and uv tube. Those clamp lamps look good. 10 might get that low in winter down here, what is the best way to heat at night if it does get that cold.
Ceremic would be best, though they do cost a fair bit, if there in the 4x2x2you could just take out the bulb your using (heat lamp,mvb etc) and stick the ceremic in that socket/holder then just take it out in the morning before the lights go on and stick the heat bulb back in, though if you have them on timers for early morning etc that could be trouble. Tubs I'd just stick another clamp lamp on and use it. You could also cover the tank up at night if that holds some heat in :)

Thanks Dave, huge help. If i'm going to have to downgrade in summer may as well use that setup all year round, normal spotlight and uv tube. Those clamp lamps look good. 10 might get that low in winter down here, what is the best way to heat at night if it does get that cold.
The ones in there are 1-2months old.. probably till there 3-5months? Then I upgrade to bigger tubs or melamine tanks.
k last quetion :D in an enclosure thats 4ft is it best to put a single uv tube or a double with a normal fluro in it for extra brightness? Or will the spotlight produce enough light?
I only use 1 fluro, in one theres only a 2ft fluro and a 50watt light and it brights the whole tank up, I guess its upto you. It isn't needed. I guess it depends on the light in the room.

k last quetion :D in an enclosure thats 4ft is it best to put a single uv tube or a double with a normal fluro in it for extra brightness? Or will the spotlight produce enough light?
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