Best larger clickclacks and where to find them?

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Why on earth don't you get the poor thing an enclosure to show it off?????

I have had my guys permenant enclosure since he was a few weeks old. its a 4 ft glass tank, and i am terrified he is going to escape. ill probably be waiting atleats another year before he goes in there. plus he looks so tiny in comparison with it. Im with beardie boy on that one ;)

You need some level of skill and soberness to use a drill with most plastics, the easier way(although slower) is to use a soldering iron and just use a fan to blow the fumes towards your least favourite neighbour. A soldering iron costs about $10, the carcenogenic fumes are priceless.

haha, yeah i keep meaning to get one, and then i always end up using a nail :rolleyes:. do the soldering irons make sharp edges out of the pastic melted away? because i find with thing i use, i have to spend a fair bit of time going over it and cutting off sharp bits with a stanly knife.

ive not read the whole thread but, try bulldog clips,two is probly enough ,if not 4 .

you are actually my saviour! that is the best idea, and im using them now! thanks so much!!!!

and LoveMyDragons: really nice setup!
Why on earth don't you get the poor thing an enclosure to show it off?????

Your thinking about your viewing pleasure and not necessarily what's best for the snake. Tubs a like a large hide box, they provide safety and security and are more likely to display natural behaviours than if being gawked at all day. There ae a huge range of tubs from small 5L ones for antaresia up to several 100 litre ones. You can affix branches textured substrates and the like so they still get the behavioural enrichment they require without the stress of prying eyes.

do the soldering irons make sharp edges out of the pastic melted away?
Nope, I haven't had a problem at all using a soldering iron, the holes are smooth on the inside of the enclosure. There's usually a small ring of molten plastic around the hole on the outside of the enclosure, but these are not sharp edged at all & I don't bother removing them. Seriously, a soldering iron will be your best friend when doing air holes, after using the candle/nail method you'll be kicking yourself for not getting a soldering iron before, it's so quick & easy. As mentioned on another post before, it can get a bit fumey/smokey so perhaps do it outside or in a well ventilated area.
Fair call...but in my response I did say "generally". You are obviously an exception...and I suspect there are many more out there. I personally prefer overhead heating longer term but each to their I like the display aspects of an enclosure.

I just think click clacks look cruel for larger reps...but that is merely my opinion. I know some can be larger than enclosures. It all comes down to individual preference.

Whats the benifits from overhead heating that you can't get from underneith? And as stated my tubs are larger (and I suspect others are too) then the floor space of a 2x2 which most people deem acceptable for antaresia so how is it cruel?
Whats the benifits from overhead heating that you can't get from underneith? And as stated my tubs are larger (and I suspect others are too) then the floor space of a 2x2 which most people deem acceptable for antaresia so how is it cruel?

sorry..each to their own...I have no scientific evidence or proof...I merely indicated my preferences. My opinion re the overhead heating is that they can obtain heating both from above and below...i.e..the light beams down onto a rock and heats it up. The snake moves to the rock and obtains heating from the top (the light) and the rock .

I dont know if it is cruel but some of the tubs I have seen on this site with snakes in IMHO is cruel...looking at sites like Snakebytes...a large commercial breeding facility...I just think it is cruel having them stuck in the tubs with no natural light coming in.

Again the above are merely my opinions and observations. My mature snakes will all be in enclosures which receive natural light. Although pythons are primarily nocturnal mine do come out sometimes in the day and like to sit on a branch etc. The enjoy basking under the overhead light. I use heatcord for my juveniles though and click clacks but personally dont see that as a permanent solution.
sorry..each to their own...I have no scientific evidence or proof...I merely indicated my preferences. My opinion re the overhead heating is that they can obtain heating both from above and below...i.e..the light beams down onto a rock and heats it up. The snake moves to the rock and obtains heating from the top (the light) and the rock .

I dont know if it is cruel but some of the tubs I have seen on this site with snakes in IMHO is cruel...looking at sites like Snakebytes...a large commercial breeding facility...I just think it is cruel having them stuck in the tubs with no natural light coming in.

Again the above are merely my opinions and observations. My mature snakes will all be in enclosures which receive natural light. Although pythons are primarily nocturnal mine do come out sometimes in the day and like to sit on a branch etc. The enjoy basking under the overhead light. I use heatcord for my juveniles though and click clacks but personally dont see that as a permanent solution.

Why is it acceptable for a juvinile but not an adult? Do juviniles not require natural light? (I'd bet my bottem dollar mine receive more natural light than yours, I don't use the completly frosted tubs).

In regaurds to your above heating, alot of snake source their heat from objects such as rocks ect ect, that have retained heat from the day into the night, so underneithe heating provides that, and also when your globes blow what do you do? They go without heat until you find the globe is blown (what if you're away?) I've never had a heatcord stop working in many years of use, plenty of the ones I have are 5year or older and still going strong.

I'm sure a tub would be much more hygenic than a naturally designed enclosure with sand and rocks and all sorts of things like that.
Why is it acceptable for a juvinile but not an adult? Do juviniles not require natural light? (I'd bet my bottem dollar mine receive more natural light than yours, I don't use the completly frosted tubs).

In regaurds to your above heating, alot of snake source their heat from objects such as rocks ect ect, that have retained heat from the day into the night, so underneithe heating provides that, and also when your globes blow what do you do? They go without heat until you find the globe is blown (what if you're away?) I've never had a heatcord stop working in many years of use, plenty of the ones I have are 5year or older and still going strong.

I'm sure a tub would be much more hygenic than a naturally designed enclosure with sand and rocks and all sorts of things like that.


Look mate...I am not attacking you..if you want to use your tubs go for it...I just find them sterile...(sterile in looks and ability to decorate etc). As for sterility for diseases etc F10 will kill any of the pathogens in an enclosure if used in the correct manner, whether it is a plastic tub or a melamine enclosure.

It is true that snakes use rocks to bask on ...they can and do also use the sun during the day (that is the main reason the BHP has a black sticks its head out of a burrow and absorbs the heat from the sun to its head)..what I was alluding to is that by having overhead lights you are POTENTIALLY giving the snake the best of both. I know of a lot of people who keep and breed healthy snakes in tubs using cords or mats so it is obviously not detrimental to them...merely my opinion that I dont prefer them for long term use.

As to the globes...I have thought of that...I havnt been away for longer than a few days far no issues...if I was away for an extended period I think I may change to new globes as a precaution. You are lucky with the cords as I have read a lot of stories about cords etc playing up as system is foolproof
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I know bhps have a black head for a reason, it's why my bhps have basking lights, but you still didn't answer my question about why it's acceptable for juviniles and not adults?
I find tubs are far easier to clean than enclosures and much more hygienic. The snakes like the security of a tub and still get ample natural light if you use tubs that are practically clear as No-two says. Underfloor heating using heatcord provides a better heat gradient in my experience and uses much less power than if I had globes in every enclosure.
More and more people are rationalising the use of tubs , snakes like to curl up so they dont need anymore room than that . l think if you cant house an animal properly you shouldnt have one . The new laws should put a stop to it any way and if they persist perhaps they could be put in a 6x8 cell for a while , plenty of room to lie down after all .
I know bhps have a black head for a reason, it's why my bhps have basking lights, but you still didn't answer my question about why it's acceptable for juviniles and not adults?

I also prefer click clacks for juvi's and put adults into enclosures. I find they hide a lot more when younger, and prefer better security this way as they can still hide and warm up/cool down at the same time. Then as adults they are a lot more confident and prefer basking in a tree (I have bredli's) so having globes seemed more practical for both me and the snakes. It is just a preference thing.
Depends what size tub you use. I don't agree with keeping them in ANYTHING, be it tub or enclosure, that is too small. Some tubs have more floor area than the enclosures others deem acceptable. For example the Slitherin python rack has tubs that are ~100x80cm which has more floor area than a 4ft x 2ft enclosure.

More and more people are rationalising the use of tubs , snakes like to curl up so they dont need anymore room than that . l think if you cant house an animal properly you shouldnt have one . The new laws should put a stop to it any way and if they persist perhaps they could be put in a 6x8 cell for a while , plenty of room to lie down after all .
More and more people are rationalising the use of tubs , snakes like to curl up so they dont need anymore room than that . l think if you cant house an animal properly you shouldnt have one . The new laws should put a stop to it any way and if they persist perhaps they could be put in a 6x8 cell for a while , plenty of room to lie down after all .

I think some do use tubs that are too small, but its far worse using a poorly set up large enclosure that is full of open space. The most important thing is making the snake feel safe, many keepers will get a 4' enclosure put in something on the floor(often something they cant hide under) put in a hide or 2 that could fit a snake 10 times bigger. IMO that is far worse than putting them in a suitable sized tub or even one that is a bit small.

The tub i have shown in the picture above gives about 1 square meter of useable floor space, most of it where the snake can be sheltered and warm.
Depends what size tub you use. I don't agree with keeping them in ANYTHING, be it tub or enclosure, that is too small. Some tubs have more floor area than the enclosures others deem acceptable. For example the Slitherin python rack has tubs that are ~100x80cm which has more floor area than a 4ft x 2ft enclosure.

Just googled those tubs and admit they look good and will save a lot of space...However, no good for arboreal species...I would only keep womas/bhp's or ants in there IMHO I still think an enclosure creates more variety (now dont shoot me down...just my opinion).

Do snakes get bored? hard to tell...I know that when the timer lights go off for the night my Darwin and coastal both roam around the enclosure. The darwins enclosure has a fake wall and he uses that. I also have a series of native fake plants and he pushes through the foliage. This is a lot closer approximation to nature.

If money was no object I would love to build an enclosure like they have at Aus Rep park for the Rough scaled pythons...that IMHO is a great size allowing many nooks and crannies for pythons to hide in.

I also rotate and slightly change the cage furniture from time to time (but leave the hide in roughly the same place) theory is that it helps prevent them from getting bored...I know they have memories...cos my coastal has taken to burrowing under the carpet and using that as a matter how much I block it she still finds her way underneatch the I gave up on that one.
why do people say that enclosures are too big? cause there natural habitat is much bigger then a tub or an enclosure.

their naturnal habitat is what they are most suited to. and in their naturnal habitat they would have their own choice of hides etc. i.e in the wild a small snake would choose a small hide not a large open one he feels insecure in. In enclosures, they wont have as many options as in the wild, and some people give hatchies huge hides and they stress out because they have nowhere to fit themselves nicely into. and then ontop of that there is all this open space of a big 4ft enclosure around them with people pressing their faces to the glass.

now imagine your that same hatchy and theres about 2ft of opague plastic around you. you can see all your surroundings and know your secure.
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