feeding hatchie bhp's
there are probably a hundred different ways of starting off hatchie bhp's, you maybe one of 10% or less [very lucky] and they feed 1st up on pinkie rats, l personally think about 10 days after their 1st shed / slough is a good time to start, if they don't take a pinkie rat, leave it in over night and if necessary remove it next morning, if this fails [and it generally does] l use about 4cm of a rat tail [open the mouth with a round tooth pick [pre-soak the tail in warm water]and push the tail in [well in], gently hold the mouth closed, until it accepts the tail [this proceedure takes about 20-30 seconds when you are experienced....l repeat this 3-4 times six days apart then try your pinkie rat again.....remember bhp's and rsp's are probably the two hardest snakes to get feeding......goodluck....cheers solar 17[Baden]