x2 ?Did they tell you why this is all that you can do and the reason behind the diagnosis and treatment
what do u refer to as Jelly?
I think they mean it is soft in the body which is quite understandable if it isn't feeding.
Bumping up the temps sounds like a good idea as it needs to start feeding.Also no more handling unless absolutely necessary and try offering a feed once a week,in the evening,leave the food item in over night and dispose of the next day if it hasn't been taken.
hey just that it could be slight resp infect jelly could be that she still has a little something in her gut that she couldnt digest cause our heat was lacking but i see improvement already she is now at about 34 much happier i am still searching for a really good herp vet but was told of one today just couldnt get there if still no better in a day or 2 will go there most vets ive spoken to are sympathetic but not quite sure what the answer is
i am still searching for a really good herp vet but was told of one today just couldnt get there if still no better in a day or 2 will go there most vets ive spoken to are sympathetic but not quite sure what the answer is
I've heard of snakes going jelly-like like this before because of poisoning. Could she have accidentally come in contact with any toxins?