bhp not feeding

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Very Well-Known Member
May 5, 2008
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hay guys i just got my first bhp yay ill post pic soon

but he hasnt been feeding the guy who bought him into the shop said he was feeding but since being in the shop he hasnt been (i work there) ive tryed braining and scenting the food but im at a loss now ive tryed rats and mice any suggestions would be fine i want to try everything befor i force feed him. oh and i cant even get an agressive strike out of him. otherwise hes super healthy
Hope you dont want it feeding as fast as you are bumping the thread.
Any details about it? how old,what temps,what size tub etc?
How long have you had it for? It might just need some time to settle in
temps arent an issue. tubs about 30 liters so 45cm long 30 high and 30 deep. and hes about 2 months so hes about 50cm

first snake ive owned that hasnt taken a feed. then again its the first snake ive owned that isnt a morelia.
thats what i was thinking initially but hes not showing any signs of stress or discomfort.

i'll leave it a few more days and then see what happens oh and he was in the shop two months befor i bought him home and he refused to feed then as well.
correction the snake is three months
just got onto the guy who said he took his first feed of a scented pinkie rat without trouble. and fed fine till he sold him at the store.
I was at a shock to read the words "BHP not feeding" in a single sentance!
BHPs are garbage guts's
not long its probably all it is and im just stressing over nothing its only been 48 hours
im just concenerd that he wasnt feeding at the store
Bhp & eating [not]

you don't mention temps when you have a problem...but l am guessing you have been fed a line [about the eating] hatchie bhps can take from one day to six months to get to readily take food even for someone experienced with bhps .....there is l believe no secrets just patience experience and a bit of luck [sometimes] co-incidentily l believe they like lt quite hot [in a spot] 33-34 degrees....cheers solar 17 [Baden]
i have 2 hot spots one at 30 and one at 35-37 i figured being a queensland bhp hed like it hot btw the cool end is 27in the middle and 25 where the water is.

as i said hes healthy as nice and active and alert. and doesnt even want to bite ive even tryed to make in bite by doing things that will tick any other snake right off and he just moves out of the way (this was while he was at the shop.

so should i just keep offering him food on a weekly basis and hope he eventually takes it or should i try somthing differant??
gots no where to obtain rabbits or day old chickens never mind that he could probably take a day old chicken almost.
i wouldnt bother him for a good three weeks or so not even try to feed until hes settled!
well im just going to keep on trying him till he takes it. worst comes to worst i'll get a pinkie pump and force feed him.
Ramsayi Hope you dont want it feeding as fast as you are bumping the thread.
Sorry, but that is kinda funny... :lol: LMAO
midnightserval I was at a shock to read the words "BHP not feeding" in a single sentance!
BHPs are garbage guts's
Sorry again, that is funny as well and have to agree! :lol:
Seriously though, don't worry mate give it another 48hrs....and you'll be right.
Give or take a few days... If it was fed recently it may not want a feed till it get's over the stress of a new environment and digesting it's previous feed.
You'll be right, as mentioned above, BHP's are garbage wait and see!
I have some that eat in the middle of a
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just leave it to settle for a week then offer a pinkie rat (as the breeder was feeding) late at nite. if it refuses again leave it for a few more days before try to feed again. over trying to feed will only stress and make the problem worse
The more you pester the poor thing the longer it's going to take to get it feeding

Some snakes take longer than others to adjust to new environments.
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