Bleeding Beardie

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Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2008
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I came home last night to find a bit of blood on my beardies log and on the floor, would say a fair bit for a juvi beardie...

There was also dry blood on her tail. She seemed fine this morning, running over to her salad an stuff, is it possible she jus cut herself on the log, its pretty smooth but will go over it this week and get rid of any rough patches.

Is this bad?

There is no obvious cut or anything, it is on her tail.

Thanks :cry:
yes there is another smaller female...they are both females and have never shown any signs of aggression towards each other
Is it possible that one of the rocks or logs in the inclosure could have fallen?
yes there is another smaller female...they are both females and have never shown any signs of aggression towards each other

You shouldn't be keeping different sized dragons together... It's possible it was the female who attacked the other.. Just because they haven't shown any aggressive behavior doesn't mean they will never fight .
by smaller, she is the tiniest bit smaller, can hardly notice and they are the same age

i thought you could keep females together
by smaller, she is the tiniest bit smaller, can hardly notice and they are the same age

i thought you could keep females together

People HAVE kept females together, but some females are very dominate. A friends female wont even breed with his male and wont let him pin her down without a struggle.. Normally females will be ok together in a big enough enclosure but is it worth the risk? It may cost you more but then both beardies will be happy if you get another enclosure/tub whatever you have them in.
yea i guess :(

i never would have thought that, the other one is really quiet...whenever i go in there they are sleeping together, the enclosure is 1m x 45cm high x 60cm wide
yea i guess :(

i never would have thought that, the other one is really quiet...whenever i go in there they are sleeping together, the enclosure is 1m x 45cm high x 60cm wide

Are they adults or juvi's/hatchlings ? you would be better off just getting another enclosure around the same dimensions
yea they are more juvis..

alright ill look into it, i wouldn have ever thought of seperating them, do they get bored? they alwats seem so close
yea they are more juvis..

alright ill look into it, i wouldn have ever thought of seperating them, do they get bored? they alwats seem so close

Nah, they are normally solitary and come together only to breed.. If you can't find a new enclosure you can move one into a 50L tub with a clamp lamp :)
Keep an eye on the wounds to make sure they don't get infected. It would not hurt to dab some betadine on the sites to help ward off any possible germs getting in there. If it gets infected you will need to get antibiotics from the vet.
I would also suggest giving the area a clean to see if there is actually any broken skin or not.
Make sure she hasn't slightly bled from her actual anal area.

I recently lost a girl who hemorrhaged (think that's how u spell it)
yea ok good ideas...the blood is on the top of the tail not so much near the vent but ill have a look.

i never though id have to split them up :(

can it jus be normal bettadine?
Not sure if it will help but you can also use Repti-Wound (I think that how u spell it),

Good luck hope all works out

they seem to be find, pulled the log out and looked at the part where the most blood is a bit rough there and she could have got caught on it, i will take it out and sand it down, i will monitor them for now
I doubt she got caught on a piece of rough wood, otherwise beardies in the wild would be torn to ribbons. I'd say it was aggression.
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