blood in poo

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Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2008
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hey my 4 year old female water python just shed and pooed in her shed last night, today i had her out and she was cruizing around the lounge room floor and i noticed she was starting to poo again on the floor so in a rush i picked her up and her **** was showing and a slight ammount of blood dribbled out when i put her back into her enclosure she didnt poo... wthats going on? is this a common thing for female pythons to bleed ? is she having a period? or is this a major problem ive called and booked her to see a vet on thursday as that was the soonest i could book, im not exactly a ritch person tho and the thought of going to the vet is worrying me with what the bill might be.

Sounds like it could of been in defence as she may have felt a bit threatened from your sudden rushing to pick her up, snakes sometimes open their vents when feeling threatened in order to try pee/defecate on the threat lol. Have you noticed any further bleeding within her enclosure? What substrate do you have her on? I'd still get her checked out at a good herp vet to ensure she's ok and to rule out any more serious internal issues.
i googled 'python bleeding from anus' and it came up with several replies saying it sometimes happens after shedding (these were all ball pythons btw, not natives)
to use neosporin and watch out fro infections,...

personally i would take anything of mine to the vet just incase it was something bad, but the bulk of the replies dont seem to find it too concerning,..(thats as long as it doesnt beled continuously,...)

try googling what i did, id prefer you to read it all urself and make a decision from there.

in reality the vet bill would probably be less than a new female water,....
Some species occasionally spot bleed as the mating season develops.
Two "possible" causes parasites one and secondly the poo she did, what was it like ? if it was dry very dry its possible the dryness has torn a small blood vessel on the way out and if the droppngs were fine its possible she has squeezed too hard through anxiety of being out of her enclosure and again herniated or torn a small blood vessel while 17 [Baden]
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