bloody tail

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Not so new Member
Sep 18, 2009
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Hi Guys i have a swcp with blood under the scales on her tail, her tail also ,looks dry and flakey. she shed last week and i had to remove the last 4 or 5 cm off her tail. i soaked her for 20mins and slowly took it back. now 4 days later its red and dry. The breeder i bought her off said she got two kinks in her tail as a hatchling. But ive never had any probs like this with her befor. How can i treat it? IMG_1360.jpgIMG_1348.jpgIMG_1354.jpg
It still looks like there is still some retained shed on there. This tightens and cuts off blood flow to the tail and it is possible that it may drop off.
it has always had the kinks and hasn't become swollen the only thing that has changed are the redness and the dry skin. what causes the redness(blood)? she is still using her tail and dosn't seem to mind when u touch it.
It looks as though there may still be some old skin on the tail - maybe you missed the last time it shed, and there were actually two layers? Whatever, it doesn't look too healthy. If you touch the tip of the tail, the normal reaction for a snake is to withdraw it immediately - does your snake do this? If so, there is still feeling there, if not, the constriction will have killed the nerves and circulation, and the tail will eventually shrivel and die.

when i bought her 8 months ago her tail already had the kinks and iv still got all the sheds her tail shed fine untill last week all the sheds shes had have come off all the way. So how do i treat this???
looks like a blood infection best be going to the vet for meds:shock:
Hi GSABAXR, You've already asked twice in this thread "How do I treat this?"

The answer has already been given a few times....Take it to a vet!

There is NOTHING you can do at this point at home to treat it.

That redness is caused by infection and can only be treated by Vet treatment of antibiotics. I've seen a few different types of tail injuries and that tail aready looks bad. It may even need amputating to avoid any further problems.

Snakes have a very slow metabolism and can take weeks or months to develop problems and just as long to fix them with medication.

Find a vet in your area and take it asap i.e Tommorrow. If ya can't afford it then give away the snake to someone who can.

This forum is great for getting advice from those who are more experienced...all you need to do is follow it.
Riggsy i never said i wasn't taking her to the vet. i Just thought with the amount of experience that SOME of the herps on this site have some one might of been able to give me advice on what the issue was and how vets have treated others snakes. So yes i can read the last 4 posts that say to take her to the vet which i will do. I tend to dissagree that there is nothing i could to to help her in the mean time. You also have no need to comment on me being able to afford it or not! it was a pointless comment maybe if i had of stated i wasn't taking her fair enough. Thanks for your advice.
Did you scrape any retained skin off with your fingernail at all? This may also explain the "redness".
Some off that retained skin may well be from when it was at the breeders. Often when they have multiple animals on the go it could be quite easy to over look something such as that imo ( not saying every breeder etc just giving an example from my experience).

In the mean time try and keep it clean etc , and maybe even clean it with some Betadine.
Hey gsxrboy yeah i did rub a little but it was fine befor i removed the skin. thats why i am wondering if its a infection or not. I ve tried calling 3 vets in perth and none of them have anyone that deals with reptiles in tonight. I will have to try tommorow after work. Do you know of anything i can do in the mean time? Thanks mate
I am not an expert, but if that were my snake I would boil a cloth or pillowcase etc to make sure it's sterile and when it's cooled down but still warm wrap the tail or put in the pillowcase and see if it loosens the skin, don't try and force it though. If any of the area that has blood on it is actually open then use a suitable disinfectant on it I think betadine is commonly used.
I think Armadale vet clinic has a reptile specialist, or you could contact Armadale reptile centre and ask for info
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