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New Member
Feb 15, 2009
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Kelso, NSW
Hey Guys

I just got a new blue tongue lizard about 4 days ago. He is only about 8cm long, the breeder i got him off said he wasnt very old (lot off imformation there i know). I havent seen him eat or drink anything yet and just starting to become a bit worried. This is my first reptile so i woundnt have the first idea how to force feed or anything like that.

Any help???

squash, bukchoy, little bit of cat food and little bit of grape and strawberry...

im gunna buy some crickets and try them. mabye the live food will get him interested??
im assuming you have everything ok just the bluey not eating on its own. the catfood is it cubes of meat? you can hold the cube with tweezers and carefully rub the edge of the cube along where his lips meet until some juice gets in his mouth and he would open up and eat it. you dont have to pick him up or anything.
this worked with a bluey i had a while back.
If temperature etc is right as mentioned try a little piece of banana. Not seen any Bluey refuse this treat food but don't feed very often as is not good for calcium absorption.
Slugs and small snails, if you can collect from a bait and posionous plant free area, are a favourite food.
are these temps right? 22 down the cool end 33 at basking spot and 29 at the warm end?

Thanks guys
What type of blue tongue is it, ie Eastern etc, Mashed banana or mashed strawberry on the mouth to get him tasting it when his tongue comes out and no bluey will refuse a small mashed snail with shell removed. Once he starts to eat then leave the shells on, on the little ones. If it is an Eastern Bluey then the temps dont need to be so high as they live in colder climates like down here in melb, for other Northern species other members will help you with those.Also some blueys will only eat when you arent there "scaring them" sometimes they can be very timid.. Try a small lid with the above food and leave it towards the hot end so the smell heats up and disperses better. put it in in the morning and then check in the afternoon. Good Luck
Microwave a strawberry till it explodes and goes all sticky and yuck. Let it cool (of course) and offer him that.
Most blueys, shingles dont say no to that. The heating of the strawberry makes it like 20x more potent in flavour.
the easiest thing ever.....just get a small amount of plain old mince meat,roll it into small balls ( small enough to fit in his mouth) and drop them infront of him.
Yeh any updates on this thread i just found? I have new blueys and shinglebacks, they are partial to the pet mince you buy in in a packet, that and lettuce but mostly the former. They seem to be cutting back on their food since I had them but it is getting colder etc.
Yeh any updates on this thread i just found? I have new blueys and shinglebacks, they are partial to the pet mince you buy in in a packet, that and lettuce but mostly the former. They seem to be cutting back on their food since I had them but it is getting colder etc.
Mine are in brumation and not eating at all, hopefully bubies for christmas
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