bluie help....

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Very Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2007
Reaction score
Karalee, SE QLD
hey guys,

today, I noticed one of my eastern blue tongues is looking slightly on the fat side.
the other one is looking kind of skinny.... BUT, I have watched them eat, and they eat exactly the same time, round abouts the same amount of food... So I don't think it could be a dominance thing.

I have been feeding them:
  • Yellow squash
  • apple
  • grapes
  • green beans
  • a little bit of cat food
  • endive
  • celery
  • blueberries
  • and some cat food (chicken or beef)
I feed them every day, and dust the food with calcium powder every 2nd day. the fruit I only feed one type every day... the cat food is every 2nd day, as that is all they'll touch if I give them that.

Just wondering, why would one of them be sooo fat, yet the other one looks normal...??

tiliqua (aka fatty)

DSCF2404.JPG DSCF24022.jpg

Hope you can help

thanks in advance

they are just under 2 months of age
and they are housed together with no troubles (that I've noticed). It's a 3ft tank. I have a 3ft UVB tube and a heat light above the rock which reaches around 34-37* C through-out the day.

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if a blue tongue is stressed they tend to blow them selves up... well not exactly blow themselves up but puff themselves up so they look fat... could anything be stressing him out?
Yeah, scrubbycam, I've seen them when they puff themselves up, but its nothing like that, as she/he is squishy (kinda) when I hold her... so she/he's relaxed.
I honestly can't think of what it could be....
The fat bluie could be stressing as Cam suggested. I find they like to bury themselves in something be it straw or bark, etc. They feel secure if they can't be seen
Sandee :)
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