The beauty with Hypo's is you get the best of both worlds....not all siblings in a clutch of hypo's are hypo.
A majority of the young can turn out normal or 'classic' looking; as it's referred.
The ratio of hypo's from a hypo pairing; differs pending the line that they originated from;
and the particular pairing used.
The beauty with animals from a true hypo pairing; is your chances increase of ending up with an animal that colours up orange or red;
rather then brown; as with most normal looking 'classic' bredli.
I'd much prefer an animal that goes orange or red with age; regardless of the amount of black present.
Ask to see some pictures of the adults....if they have a nice colouration; your chances of ending up with a nice adult are far better.
When choosing a hypo juvenile; look at the 'in between' colour....that's the second colour on the red or orange B/G...
On a nice hypo it tends to look some what like a yellowish or greenish hue;
these animals normally end up the better ones with age IMO.
Not all of us sell nice hypo's for a fortune....prices differ from breeder to breeder; shop around; you maybe surprised.
Here's an Adult hypo female breeder that sill looks more orange/reddish rather then brown....not long to go now