I will have a pair of each by June/July this year. I have my young classic pair, and getting a hypo pair from SXR later in the year. I can't wait. They will be gorgeous. They all are gorgeous.
Both hypo and classic are a joy to look at. It is a personal choice. I have a pair of classics, but I love the hypos just as much. Heres a pick of my two.
personally i like the hypos, but i dont see how breeders can charge extra for an animal just coz of its fluke colouring, thats like me breeding dogs and making the buyer pay $100 extra for the pup with the 'white dot' on his ear.. its still the same animal..
Do you then disagree with selling albino's because they have white colouring but are still the same animal as standrard carpets? Hypo's to me a much better looking animal and are well and truely worth the price!!
Love how all pics of hypos seem to be of young animals.Yes you can get adult hypos but they are few and far between.The majority will grow up to become normal looking bredli,but hey if you want to pay more for a hatchy go for it.