broken jaw or DPS

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i got a call from the vet this morning, they did the x-ray and it turns out that she has fractured her lower mandible/jaw, they are doing surgery on her now, and i can pic her up this arvo.

just gose to show, when in dobut seek medical advice.

im just glad to know that she will be ok.

if any one is intrested i MAY post a pic of the x-ray image up.
i got a call from the vet this morning, they did the x-ray and it turns out that she has fractured her lower mandible/jaw, they are doing surgery on her now, and i can pic her up this arvo.

just gose to show, when in dobut seek medical advice.

im just glad to know that she will be ok.

if any one is intrested i MAY post a pic of the x-ray image up.

Please post the x-ray, it's really something you dont see too often.
There was no need for an operation. I have seen this many times over the years. They sometimes just get the skin of their lip hooked over their recurved teeth. They cant seem to unhook it. All you needed to do was take some tweezers and unhook the lip. I would love to see these x-rays as i bet you they did not know what the problem was. I think you might have been taken for a ride. If I am wrong then i will apologise! They usually do that when they bang their mouth on the glass of the cage when striking at something.
There was no need for an operation. I have seen this many times over the years. They sometimes just get the skin of their lip hooked over their recurved teeth. They cant seem to unhook it. All you needed to do was take some tweezers and unhook the lip. I would love to see these x-rays as i bet you they did not know what the problem was. I think you might have been taken for a ride. If I am wrong then i will apologise! They usually do that when they bang their mouth on the glass of the cage when striking at something.

Was my first thought when seeing the pics, ive had snakes do that a few times over the years.
the vet will send me a copy of the xray, (apparently they keep the originals for thire records?)
all they did was glue a bit of wire on her lower jaw to hold it in place the bone should heal and corect its self.

to every body saying that there was no need to go to the vet, and get all this done,
its not your animal, and you do not know all the details.

the way that the bone was fractured DID indeed need to be treated.
as for how she managed it, what we can come up with is that she has fallen at precisly the wrong angle and landed on it causing the damage.

acording to the x-ray and the vet, the damage had been there some time longer than previsiouly thourght, so the bone may or my not heal as the bone alreadt shows sign of repair, i have to wait about 3 months, have the wire replaced when she sheds, and get another x-ray to see if the bone is healing proberly, but i can take up to 12 months apparently.

if the bone dosent take and heal with the wire holding it in the corect place (its glued around the out side of her mouth and holding it so she can close her mouth properly)

than they will do the more invasive surgury of making hte bone so it will join porperly again. but i wont know untill at least 3 months.
Damned if you do, damned if you don't..... :?

Good luck with her. Taking her to the vet is what I would have done. All you can do now is what the experts advise.
Damned if you do, damned if you don't..... :?
apprently it dosent matter waht you do, go to the vet, dont go to the vet, some one somehere will always say that wht you did was wrong.

well they can take a gamble if they like but i prefer to live by the old saying of "better to be safe than sorry"

and im confident that the expersts in this case know what ther doing and that, and that every thing is going to be ok, the vets also complmented her saying that she is perfict size to wight ratio, (apparently they see a lot od obease sankes) and that he colors are amazing.

but back to the point, her isue is beeing sorted now, and im happy that i know exactly wahts going on with her.
im waiting for the vet to email me a copy of the x-ray (ill post as soon as i get it)
also the snakes cirled up aslep now, so when she up and moving around again ill get a photo of her wire.
well done in taking it to the vet pyro. It was your favourite and you did the right thing by you and the snake!
I hope she will heal well and good luck for next season!
ofcourse taking her to the vet was the right thing to do!!
best wishes for a speedy recovery,... :)

so im guessing u cant feed her for 3 months,..?
i can feed her, but only smaller food items, so she dosent put too much strain on the jaw. i aill also be giving her some herpaboost (vetafarm suplement) in her food. just to help her along.
Wow, sounds like hell for you! I really hope she recovers well, and relatively quicky. Hopefully the time passes quickly for you.

I know whats happened with your girl is unfortuante, but this thread has made me smile- simply because of your dedication to your animal! Good on you for taking her to a veterinarian to get checked and recieve the necessary treatments she requires. There seems to be too few people like you around lately!
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