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I like how he said he started out rescuing snakes off the road so poachers couldn't get them. I also seen the copperhead episode,I think he should call himself "snakebuster" again, cause he busted a few ribs then I reckon.
The so called olive python (water python) and gold tree snake where kindly supplied by black snake productions after a huge amount of stuffing around by the prospo company that made this doco. They where also a bit rough with the snakes and i was not allowed to talk directly to bruce george. They didn't want to know much about what i knew or thought, they are the experts.:?
G'day Mike,

When doing film and media work, it pays to keep a level head and remain very much in control over what is happening with your animals. We have a filmed several documentaries, TV shows and advertising campaigns up here and the majority of our clients are very respectful, however some have absolutely no regard for the safety of the animal or the handler and have no qualms in requesting some absolutely ridiculous stuff. Remember, once it's on their camera, they can use it however they want...don't let them push you to do something that isn't safe or responsible.

If your client doesn't like it, simply walk off set - generally they will come pandering to you, and if they don't, who cares?

Its all good mate, ive done a fair bit of this type of work. I ended up not doing the last few shoots as they wanted him to handle my tiger snakes which is not allowed in Vic. And i did step in when he was rough with one of the tree snakes.
Thanks for the input. :)
My animals health and happiness will always come before the clients whims.
Hows things up north, business good?
Watching the golden tree snake ep now.... Havent got to the water python yet, but seeing previous eps I know hes a bit rough. He just 'found' a corn snake that was planted, and the chick had to tell him what it was and that it wasn't venomous... He then removed his goggles... Haahaha
He comes across as the biggest chook ever! :lol: ....I'm sorry to say, I'm not a fan! There must be plenty of broken tails and aggitated snakes after some of his efforts. I cringe more than smile if I'm ever "lucky enough" to be watching one of his shows! :?
Did anyone see the episode when he wanted to tail Taipans at Billabong Sanctuary in North Qld.

He approached the Wildlife Park and met Dan Bamblet (SENIOR KEEPER). Dan got out an Inland and showed him how to do it, Bruce then had a crack and wasnt very confident, but still pushed on.

Then came time to get out the Coastal, Dan got it out first and went pretty well with it. Then comes big Bruceys chance in the light, well he packed his duds and hesitated with it a few times and really unsettled the snake. Dan had to step in and take over and got nailed on the inside of the thigh trying to take over.

I saw Dan not long after at a Zoo conference and the poor bugger stil has side affects years later.

Mike and Jonno are right, TV productions really push you to do things you shouldnt and you really have to be careful what you do and what you say and how you say it. I have constantly been mis-quoted by the media when doing interviews in my old job.

In this case you would have to think the producers would be concerned as Brucey George has been nailed at least 3 times by a venomous snake while filming.

Mind you they probably like it for the drama factor.
I would recommend almost (there is a few in the same boat as Bruce) any reptile demonstrator in OZ to do a TV series above Bruce, he seems nice enough but has no reptile knowledge or experience when it comes to doing an "educational" documentary. Please do not think I am attacking him, he is just not suited to it, is way too rough with animals and cannot work with them safely. Hey i know......Me and Jonno could do it…. :rolleyes:
they are all repeats and i dont watch him anymore.........and wouldnt recommend him to a bunch of japanese tourists...................use the remote like i do - even the wrestling is more real
Yeah right.... Jonno has a head like a bag of smashed crabs lol. just jokes Jonno

Mind you, bruce looks like a deep sea racing mullet, SO MAYBE SMASHED CRABS WOULD BE AN IMPROVEMENT.
A lot of wildlife docos are staged these days its quite a shame. I remember watching an episode of one of his shows where he decided that the best way to get a baby death adder off a country road was to pin its head... He then ended up getting bitten by it. I saw that episode where the guy got bitten by the taipan though they edited it as such that made it hard to tell exacty what happend.

once again everybody bags people for god sakes really so what the guy is passionate about saving snakes isnt that the main thing at least hes not out killing them maybe once u all get ure own tv show then u can start bagging people hey lets try that im sure all of you have made mistakes handling indentifying etc

No mate, passion is not enough if you stand in front of the public. The presenter and the media alike have the responsibility to EDUCATE and not only to entertain.
By the way, I like your spelling ... thinking about your own TV show?
also , that is why he went to India to look for elephants..................its hard to mistake them for anything else
A lot of wildlife docos are staged these days its quite a shame. I remember watching an episode of one of his shows where he decided that the best way to get a baby death adder off a country road was to pin its head... He then ended up getting bitten by it. I saw that episode where the guy got bitten by the taipan though they edited it as such that made it hard to tell exacty what happend.


The best one is where a catcher in WA gets really cocky with a Mulga and holds it up to his face. It then promptly bites his nose.
That was actually in NT, and it was a perfect case of a totally competent and responsible handler letting the film crew push them for that "perfect" shot.
That was actually in NT, and it was a perfect case of a totally competent and responsible handler letting the film crew push them for that "perfect" shot.

My apologises, I wasn't aware. That would account for the IMMENSELY annoyed look on his face then, Can I ask, was he okay though? I don't recall the footage I saw didn't say whether it was a dry bite or not? Thats if you know of course
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