bug bombs

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Active Member
Oct 24, 2009
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Hi, i have 2 bearded dragons and a carpet python, and i was just wondering if they will be effected if i let a couple of bug bombs off in the house?? The reptiles are in there enclosures, and it says on the box to remove all pets, but its hard to remove large heavy reptile enclosures!!
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
remove the pets from the enclosures, then get some plastic drop sheets (like the ones painters use) and some duct tape, and fully enclose and seal off the enclosures... best to find somewhere to keep your animals for a few days just to be safe. I've done this before, mine stayed in the shed for a few days (I did this in cool rainy spring weather)... I am about to do it again.

I dunno if it is safe to put your animals back straight after the bombs or if the few days is needed, if anyone else knows about this it would be appreciated as my mum is going to bomb the house while the weather is old and rainy so it's safe for my reps to be in the shed without getting hot.
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remove the pets from the enclosures, then get some plastic drop sheets (like the ones painters use) and some duct tape, and fully enclose and seal off the enclosures... best to find somewhere to keep your animals for a few days just to be safe. I've done this before, mine stayed in the shed for a few days (I did this in cool rainy spring weather)... I am about to do it again.

I dunno if it is safe to put your animals back straight after the bombs or if the few days is needed, if anyone else knows about this it would be appreciated as my mum is going to bomb the house while the weather is old and rainy so it's safe for my reps to be in the shed without getting hot.

If your tanks are fully sealed it should be okay to replace the animals after the house has been aired out for a couple of hours, but I'd clean them out fully first just to be sure. To make this easier, remove all substrate, dishes, hides etc and keep them out of the house so that all you really have to clean is the tank itself. Then it's simply replace all your bits and pieces after airing the place out and cleaning the tanks then rehouse your animals.
Then again it really depends on what you use; I find the mortein bug bombs from the supermarket sufficient, and they disperse pretty quickly once the four hour bombing period is over.
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You might have issues feeding live insects down the track depending on how well the insecticide breaks down/ disperses. I used Top of Descent in the herp room years ago and couldnt keep woodies alive long enough to feed them off for a few months.
If you have tubs put your reptiles in there and remove them from the house and if you have any insect tubs or containers remove them as well. Next I would remove any furnishings from the enclosures ie. logs, plants, substraits, feeding/water dishes and anything that cannot be cleaned easily or comes into direct contact with your pets and take them outside.

Then if you like you can cover your terrariums with towels, sheets, plastic drop sheets (as TahneeMaree suggested) or even glad/cling wrap which I use to cover aquariums when bombing. Once you have bombed the house immediately open all windows & doors and crank the fans to disperse the remaining gases. I recommend airing the house out for at least an hour and then removing any covers over the cages carefully. Next thoroughly clean the cages with metho and water inside and out to destroy any possible chemical residue and any surface areas such as desks, benches, tables (areas your likely to come into contact with) Then put everything back how it was.

Its not a fun job but good luck ;)
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