Bynoes (the cloning gecko)

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Gecko :)

Does anyone know much bout Bynoe's Geckoes??,
How old do they have to be before they clone?, how often do they clone?

Does anyone know of anyone selling them?.., how much do they usually go for??

about $360 for babies. There are some for sale in reptiles australia magazine
Gecko: Bynoe's Gecko populations are not all characterised by Parthenogenetic females. Some populations will still breed normally whilst others will, yes, clone themselves.

Sdaji seems to have good success with them in a range of colours and patterns usually available.
actually the cloning "bynoes" are not actually bynoes they are a separate species, all the different clones are different species aswell, please correct me if i'm wrong sdaji:D
what questions do you still need answered?
how old do they have to be before cloning and how often do they clone?,
18months would be a good age, not sure bout how often but they are not as productive as sexual bynoes from what i haves heard but sdaji will be able to tell you more, pm him.
Thanks Hornet :)

I just find it fascinates me that an animal can reproduce on its own!!!!!
What other animals can do this???
a couple of other geckos, komodo dragon, scorpions, and various other inverts
i thought the were sexually reproductive?
Im sure some species are sexual. I could be wrong, i'm just going on what the dude at the local aquarium told me, he ssemed to know his stuff though.
There have been several sharks that have reproduced asexually, I got an email about it thismorning. It has also been seen in birds. Mammals are the only vertebrate group not known to reproduce asexually.
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