Cage size

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Not so new Member
May 31, 2008
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Hey havent been on this site for a while. So anyway, i have a centralian carpet python(bredl python). He is around metre long. He is around a year old probly a month or 2 more. I currently have him in a 2ft cage. Just the basic white ones . So
Firstly- how long does it take for a centralian to reach full size.
Secondly- What is a good size cage for him when he reaches adult size
Thirdly- I would like to build him a cage for him a large one as he is going to become a fairly large snake. Any tips? thanks
1st - not exactly sure on how quickly they grow, but my 10mth old bredli is 90cm (guesstimate) and is shedding every month or so... it also depends how much you feed them and how often to how quickly they grow.
2nd - I would have to agree with fraser888, but change the hight and length around, on the enclosure size. they love to climb, so the hight is needed. make sure you have a good temp gradient in there too.
3 rd - there are a few good building threads on here that should give you some tips on how to build a great looking enclosure.

there are a few threads on here with some helpful info too

here are a couple for you :)

Hope this helps... good luck with the bredli :)
1. On average about 3 years although bredli do seem to take a little longer for some reason.

2. I keep mine in 4x2x2 enclosures and it seems to serve them well. I think with these guys if you go bigger length and depth are of more importance as opposed to height.
Thanks I think im going to build a cage around 1.8m long , 1.8m high, 60cm depth. Have glass at the front and a door on the side that i can walk into the cage. So does anyone know how long does it take for a central carpet to reach adult size.
The only thing is that its going to be in my room when we build our new house. The room aint that big so i need to try and fit a cage, bed, computer(compuiter desk), T/V and tv stand. I cant have the cage in front of the window . I have it sort of worked out but im worried the cage wouldnt be wide enough for a adult central
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