Can Pythons Remember Smells ???

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May 15, 2009
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I just bought a Python from Petco which I named him "Kartel" after my favorite Reggae artist "Vybz Kartel" and was wondering if my Python can remember my sent so that it knows im not a threat to him so it wont bit me ???
Like, can i put something in the tank with my sent on it so that over time it remembers me and wont bite me when i pick him up ???
They learn to associate. Yes, your snake should eventually learn your smell and not associate it with any kind of threat. However, if you constantly pick it up, annoy it, or harrass it in any way, it will learn to associate your smell with stress.

They should also "learn" different smells. For example, they should recognise different hide boxes, etc. etc. But this learning isn't an overnight thing.

And, I will guarantee you that you will be bitten at some stage. Don't think that putting something in his enclosure will make him less defensive (or aggressive) for a very very long time. Regardless of your smell when you first start handling him, to him, you're a big, warm- blooded predator.
IMO yes they do reckonise the scent of their handlers,one of my yearling Port Macs used to be very snappy,since ive owned him { 6-8 } months,he hasnt biten or even tempted to.Last weekend a friend of mine went to pick him up,in which it was a different smell and he bite her on the hand.So i think they are more intellegent than ppl think...
I recon people like to think they are more social (what many people deem intelligent) than they are. I would only say that pythons tend to recognise the smell of food, other than that is complete speculation.
I use aquim before i handle so my bredli knows thats what i smell like and has never biten my as im no threat, when others want to handle him i get them to sanitise their hands with the aquim and he has never biten anyone!!
He also has a hide box that I use to get him back in enclosure, its just one of those gift boxes with a whole cut in it, all I have tyo do is place it in front of his nose and he goes straight in making it easy to put him back in enclosure, even makes it easy when getting him out!!!
So yes they do remember scents, sorry for rambling LOL!!!
Yeah, I think they remember. My bredli girl comes out of her box when I open it, she cruises slowly licking the air and when she comes close to me she relaxes her 's' neck and climbs onto me. I also know when I've lead her from me onto my fiance she thinks she's still cruising over me but she gets close and licks the air again and stops quickly and backs up a little, then goes really slowly again. She knows when she's moved to a different smell.
I handle my 2 spotted pythons the most out of anyone who visits my house and they seem to be most comfortable when i handle them. Not sure if this is because of scent or just good handling technique.
i was told by a breeder that its not your scent they recognise but the way your hand feels wether its sweaty cold or hot as soon as its touhed it nos hu it is but i dnt no thats just wat i was told
I wash my hands with the same disinfectant before I handle our snake. I think he knows the smell but I dont think he thinks that its not a threat.
Oh and welcome to APS, hope you find your stay enjoyable, just dont bring up hybrids or feeding live animals....

what kind of snake did you just buy? not that i think recognising smells would be different between species, am jsut curios. oh and welcome to APS!:p everyone here is friendly and willing to give information so dont be afraid to ask;)

i believe they learn differentiating smells, probably even remember them, but i dont think that if you were to one day switch hand sanitizers they would act agressively. but there will be controversies over the thought. just like it is easy to speculate wether pythons see in colour??:shock::shock:
enjoy your new snake!:D:D
they must be able to remember smells. my snakes know as soon as a rodent is brought into the room
snake_boy said:
my snakes know as soon as a rodent is brought into the room

That's an instinctual thing. If it had to remember the smells for food, it means it would have to learn what's food and what's not. You don't see baby pythons going about in the wild testing things to see if things are edible or not.
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