Carbon footprints

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Creating artificial environments can be very extravagent in terms of energy consumed and the resultant environmental effects. What steps do you take to minimise energy usage??
1. Local species are kept outdoors and eggs incubated on a bookcase shelf
2. Heat mats/cords used in preference to globes for heating where ever possible
3. Collection kept in garage with tin roof -natural heating. Thermostats regulate the amount of power used to switch off on hot days
4. Follow natural seasons ie cool off/bruminate during the winter-let the herps breed when they are ready rather than forcing an earlier season-many are only now getting into eggs laying due to the cool spring/early summer
5. Use rack systems and other similar methods to bunch the heat souces together
6. Constantly nag the wife and kids about over use of the reverse cycle A/C, to ensure adequate power for the herps.
I go the other way and use coolrooms to conserve heat but the problem is, its hard to keep a low ambient temperature. Insulated coolrooms work great for say less than 2 yearolds where I dont think a temp gradient is necessary, but with breeding animals a tin shed is probably better as it lets the heat go. From an environmental point of view "letting heat go" is wasting energy which must contribute to the release of Carbon to the atmosphere and accelerate the demise of our planet.
You're talking snakes and I'm talking lizards......

I think will find that a gecko such as a N. levis will require a lot less heat than a hatchling python, so perhaps the carbon foot print is also dependent on what you keep. With lizards the need for a Iow ambient temperature is not so crucial.

Plus they have legs and eyelids so they are much more elaborate and fun.
heat cords over bulbs, thermostats, garage, stackable.. etc. like Spongy
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