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Pandora Pythons

Active Member
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
Gold Coast
Hey all,

Just wondering if anyone on here knows of any Books/DVD's or Websites that provide information on husbandry and general care for Australian Elapids?

I've done the google thing and there is nothing!

Any help would be greatly appreciated :D

You'll find that you won't find much information on the keeping of venomous snakes. Obviously people don't want others going out and catching their own and putting themselves at risk. You'll get a lot of information from a venomous snake course.
You'll find that you won't find much information on the keeping of venomous snakes. Obviously people don't want others going out and catching their own and putting themselves at risk. You'll get a lot of information from a venomous snake course.

Theres plenty of info out there.
I didn't say there wasn't. I just meant that compared to pythons and lizards, there isn't that much. And, from what I could find, it never went into the detail really needed to keep a venomous snake successfully for any length of time (such as pinning, etc.)
I didn't say there wasn't. I just meant that compared to pythons and lizards, there isn't that much. And, from what I could find, it never went into the detail really needed to keep a venomous snake successfully for any length of time (such as pinning, etc.)

Thanks notechistiger, that's exactly what I meant...there is lots of information, but it's all scattered and doesn't go into great detail, especially on each individual elapid.

I have done a course, but would like something in writing that I can keep referring back to and once again for the finer details, unfortunately one day at a vens course doesn't quite cover all of this.

Thanks for everyone else's replies. cement I've got that book, but once again it doesn't go into any great detail on elapids.

there will be one on care of elapids in the future
I agree, but I wasn't sure on the level you are after. The best way to learn elapids is to have a mentor.
Practice and experience.
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