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Of the members who own cats.. how many have cat runs outside for their cats?

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 22.2%
  • No

    Votes: 19 30.2%
  • no cat run but kept inside

    Votes: 30 47.6%

  • Total voters
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If ive got 2 cartons do i still need a net? :lol:

& both my dad & partner drink new also, its always around!
I live in the suburbs, and recently my step father who is an avid bird watcher saw or heard 40 native species from my back yard. Given that a cat could get any of them, I don't see the problem here. Keep your cat inside or in a run. If i save 5 birds or animals a night by getting rid of a cat, I will call myself a hero.
It's time that compulsory desexing was bought in for all cats and dogs that are domestic pets.
That would certainly be a start to cutting down on unwanted pets.
If people kept their cats inside they would never be mistaken as a feral one and there would be no heartbreak.
In our local law, all cats need to be held on the property in which the owners live 24/7, this may mean an indoor cat, or a cat that has a run and will not roam onto other properties. If a cat or dog is bought to the pound then a fee will imply for exchange for the pet and an additional fee for any unregistered animals.
Not sure if this is state wide, Australia wide etc. But I encourage any pet being cat or dog that falls under this category to cage and at the end of the day help some native wildlife. BTW, I have a fox terrier and if it escaped the yard (touch wood) and ended up at the pound then I would appreciate the fact that someone were responsible and dropped it off here.
I hope this isn't too off topic but... In NSW and other states and territories don't cats and dogs have mandatory micro chipping laws? (I don't know - just asking)

In the ACT they do, and it seems to work well. If this happened (ie: someone's animal got trapped somewhere where they shouldn't be) it's quite easy for the owners to be notified as the animal gets scanned on arrival at the pound (or RSPCA) and the owners are contacted... (details being in the microchip)

If there is no chip then it might be re-homed or sent on a 'green-dream-ride' to never never land...
when I used to live out at kenhurst in sydney on 5 acres that backed onto a reserve my idiot next door neighbour invited me over and proudly displayed some dead native birds and lizards his domestic cat caught and left at their back step.. he told me his cat did that all the time every week.. he didnt want to lock the cat up in a cat run either.. so the next day when he was at work I shot his beloved moggy and buried it down the back.. domestic cats definitely dont belong in semi rural or rural environments where they are allowed to run free and kill whatever wildlife they like in my opinion..

I dont like killing animals or being cruel but this cat was killing native fauna daily just for "sport" and just had to go..
Colin, I agree with you, domestic cats don't belong in the bush.
I don't like feral cats, have shot many of them in the past but why on Earth did some people mention feral cats in this thread? The cat in Jaffa's trap is a well fed and groomed domestic cat, someone's pat. If any of you think simply "cat is a cat" and you treat pet cats as ferals, then you are a cat hater and bloody redneck.
Colin, I agree with you, domestic cats don't belong in the bush.
I don't like feral cats, have shot many of them in the past but why on Earth did some people mention feral cats in this thread? The cat in Jaffa's trap is a well fed and groomed domestic cat, someone's pat. If any of you think simply "cat is a cat" and you treat pet cats as ferals, then you are a cat hater and bloody redneck.
you still dont get it do you!
Read the threads, if you dont believe that this thread is about poor ownership and responsibility of a pet then you are off on your own tangent. Again we back onto state forest where native wildlife should roam wether it is domestic or feral (the pound thinks so). If you need me to take some pics of the forest out the back to prove that I am speaking the truth fine, and a question how much poor ownership would a pet take before it turns into a true feral?
You seem very responsible with the responsibility and housing of your GTPs, why is this any different?
I own a cat and I'm all for eradicating feral cats... I'm all for trapping nuissance cats.

There's only a few things missing in the steps I think (were up to step 8 I think) so....

9) If you trap a "domestic" cat i.e. somebodies pet, get it checked for a microchip.

10) Go and face the owner once identification is made and say "I trapped your beloved pet, and sent it to the pound".

11) If there's no chip leave your name and address at the pound just in case the owner does go there and claim their pet, so at least they can have a "friendly" chat with you...

I don't let my cat out it's an indoor cat and in fact is afraid of the outside world, knock on wood that if it ever gets out and trapped by somebody I hope they have enough balls to at least let me know.
Eh, no I don't get it. There is two of us now, watch out!

Colin, I agree with you, domestic cats don't belong in the bush.
I don't like feral cats, have shot many of them in the past but why on Earth did some people mention feral cats in this thread? The cat in Jaffa's trap is a well fed and groomed domestic cat, someone's pat. If any of you think simply "cat is a cat" and you treat pet cats as ferals, then you are a cat hater and bloody redneck.

yes michael if the bloke had his cat in a cat run through the day and inside at night I dont have a problem with cats. I understand cat owners love their animals as much as we love our reptiles and that should be respected. but he didnt want to lock the cat up because it liked to roam and "catch things" and rattled off a list of birds and reptiles his cat regularly caught and killed and thats what led to my actions.. as I said I hate killing anything and it has to be a situation like that to get me to do so. this one was killing native wrens, honeyeaters, small beardies and water dragons, heaps of skinks, legless lizards, marsh snakes, whip snakes, baby rbbs, geckos etc on a weekly basis.. and to do nothing about it was I felt worse than the action I took.
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Colin, I agree with you, domestic cats don't belong in the bush.
I don't like feral cats, have shot many of them in the past but why on Earth did some people mention feral cats in this thread? The cat in Jaffa's trap is a well fed and groomed domestic cat, someone's pat. If any of you think simply "cat is a cat" and you treat pet cats as ferals, then you are a cat hater and bloody redneck.

What a load of BS! I seriously thought you had more brains mate!
If you seriously think that a well groomed and owned cat isn't a threat to wildlife then your a bloody cat lover and no conservationist at all.

I live in a semi rural area which has a lot of suburbia as well IE the Central Coast of NSW, yes Erina, Terrigal, Gosford etc and we are constanly injecting reptiles with baytril because of your beloved PET cats.
You are off the richter! Just a fortnight ago , i had two EWD's same cat same property ( yes I was there working on the property, I personally took the lizards off the cat both times with the owner) one survived, one died from nothing more then a tooth puncture. Don't get me started on the survey we were doing on ringtailed possums, that we gave up on, because 80% of the babies were killed by cats, compared to 5% by snakes.

Responsible cat ownership is something that just doesn't happen. Its more a case of see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil from cat people.

Ok maybe 1% are responsible. If yours ended up in someone else freezer i rest my case.
So if it is ok to get a cat destroyed because it has wandered onto another property and may kill a bird or reptile does that mean it is also ok to destroy a snake that has escaped its enclosure and might bite a child?
So if it is ok to get a cat destroyed because it has wandered onto another property and may kill a bird or reptile does that mean it is also ok to destroy a snake that has escaped its enclosure and might bite a child?

Hey Spider, as mentioned before and obviously will need to continue to do so, if a cat or dog gets trapped and taken to the pound then it usually has at least 3 days for it to be collected with a fee. About the snake thing, responsible ownership, most of the time an escaped pet snake will result in the shovel. What woul you prefer the pound and a second chance or the shovel for either species?
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