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3 times a day is for really young hatchies that need to put on a bit of weight, and theyre pretty small crickets, by 2-3 months old, 3 feeds a day isnt necessary, 2 feeds of 15-20 crickets till 4-5 months old, (and a bowl of salad for nibbling on during the day) then after that its salad in the morning, crickets in the afternoon for a few months, then increase salad, and start skipping the cricket part of the day till hes getting a few 2-3 times a week. Most of my adults get insects once a week, or just 2 or 3 big roaches twice a week, the rest is salad.

rep - cal is a good calcium, i dont use multi vitamins since they can be bad if overdone, i just feed a healthy diet instead.

spinach isnt good for beardies, it stops them absorbing their calcium and leads to MBD (metabolic bone disease)

i'll send u a nutrition guide which tells you whats good and whats bad and why.
We feed ours greens every day, spring greens, collard and mustard greens and in the summer dandelion greens. Every Wed and Friday they get greens and veggies and fruit. Blueberries, apples, carrots, strawberries and mango. Every Sunday they get greens and meat. Its especially good to give them bugs they hafta chase. Although ours love mealies and supers, they get no exercise chasing them.

About the loving a view comment...ours will scratch the window until I open it up. They love watching me play PC games.

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I'd suggest slate tile for the base. I picked up some cheap slate for $2 a tile, so it's easily affordable to do the entire tank. It's easy to clean and there's no impaction risk.

For feeding I preffer roaches (woodies) to crickets. They're far easier to keep, clean and catch. And they're fattier so they're good for growing beardies. Livefoods sells them in bulk. What you want to do is get a 50L plastic tub (like $8 from Kmart) and buy some Fluon from Livefoods. You coat the inside rim of your tub with fluon and you won't have any roaches escape into your house, and can leave the lid off so they get air without having to build any kind of complex enclosure.

Also, if you buy a ramekin and coat the inside walls with Fluon you can use it as a feeding bowl the woodies won't be able to escape from. The issue I had with crickets was that if my beardie missed them they would escape into his viv and be quite hard to clear out. And the hopping makes them much harder to gather up for feeding time, I found.

Make sure if you feed them in the evening they have at least 2 hours of basking time for digestion.

Couple of shots of my setup so you can see what I mean:

Thank you. Could you tell me where you got that background? Having trouble finding desert themed ones and I don't have time to make my own.
That came with the tank, and I bought that from a breeder so I don't know where they got it sorry.
Just a shot of my enclosure thus far, just need to get a few more bits and pieces for inside and get the temps sorted out. :D

Can you set them up in a out door enclosure with out globes eg aviary
Would they still get the heat they need from the sun as long as you have some shaded areas

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