Childrens python bedding/underlay what is best to use??

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Active Member
Jan 13, 2010
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hey guys i have a bout a year old childrens python called (douglas or douggy hahaha dont ask any who he has been living in a big plastic container since we got him so i went out and brought one of them vented cages' with glass doors and a heat rock. so i dont want to use paper towel or news paper as it doesnt not look real so what do i use for the underlay? i know not to use sand what about that medi bark from the pet shop? or maybe fake grass? help would be good guys i dont want to harm him in anyway as he is so plasid
newspaper is the most functional and practical. I have also used handfulls of "clean" leaf litter as a temp. substrait. The only problem with anything organic is breakdown of the material. Dont use anything that will hold moisture as It can caus scale rot and other problems. I would also advise NOT having a hot rock in with your snake. Hot rocks are for lizzards and a snake can "fall asleep" on the hot rock creating hot spots within itself. Technically cooking itself from the inside out. I hope any of this info helps, good luck finding what works for you...

Cheers Matt

P.s. 9/10 experienced keepers on this site would use newspaper...
A piece of marine carpeting is also a decent option. Just remember to wash well when doing changes. Better still have a replaceable piece that while your washing one piece have one in the enclosure. This will save on doing a rush job with the cleaning and also will help kill any bugs/bacteria on the matting by letting the mat completely dry out

Cheers Matt
aspen, astro turf, marine carpet. I havnt used it although i have known a few ppl that have kritters krumble (dunno if thats how its spelt though) and they say its great.
ive used fake grass but its pain in the *** to always clean it there is green felt at the pet shops thats not to bad easy to clean.
HEAT rock is a huge no no for snakes get urself a heat pad u can get them for like $20 - $40 depending on size
I was facing the same decision as you, mate.

A piece of marine carpeting is also a decent option.
I don't regret going with marine carpeting.
It's very cheap, and it looks really nice too - and it's very easy to clean -> Nothing a garden hose wouldn't fix.
I have 2 pieces for my enclosure, so one is in the enclosure, while the other one is drying.
Hows that working for you Megz, for your snakes or beardies?

I only use it for my stimson. It works really well for him, but I wouldn't use it for my beardies - would be too hard to clean up after the little poop machines.
News paper works well for me. You need to put fresh in about once a week though, or remove the soiled newspaper. The more you put in the better, my snake loves it when I shred heaps up, and it's piled high, it gives him more places to hide. Don't use a heat rock! buy a heat pad, then put some tiles over it, so the snake isn't directly touching the heat pad. I have one heat pad, with two tiles, one completely on it, the other half on it, so the warmth varys as to where he lays. Make sure he has somthing to hide under, or climb, I have a cave thing in mine, that he hides in all day. You can buy the cave thingys at a pet shop, make sure it says it's specifically for reptiles though. I think you can get them for under $30
Hope that helped
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