Childrens python got dirrhea

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Not so new Member
Mar 9, 2009
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Woke up this morning and noticed that the python has had diarrhea is this something to worry about, i went to the pet shop yesterday and fed it pinkie rats instead of mice, and i also bought it a new hide which is much larger than the old one could this have something to do with it, also i have been picking it up much more than usual oin the lats 5 days? please help :(
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Maybe a dodgy curry?? :lol:

The reason the excrement was runny was probably due to the rat being a pinkie and having no fur to hold the feaces together whereas a larger mouse would have the fur.

Well it was on pinkie mice before, and the guy at the pet shop said that the rats would be better for it so i got them, it had two and seemed fine, is it something to worry about or is it nothing
Could be the change from the mice to rats - a temporary issue that may resolve itself. But I have never seen such problems in my snakes from changing food items.

Other things that can cause diarrhea are internal parasites. If the crap has a really sour, foul smell one of the signs that something is up. If you have some flagyl you could try give him some of that, it could help. Or take a faecal sample to your vet & he can test it for presence of worms or other micro-bacteria.

It is really easy to type suggestions here, but make sure you check with your vet before giving your snake any kind of medication. Treating with wrong medications can have just as bad effect on them as the original problem. But in saying this, worming your snake shouldn't require a vet trip. ou can pick up worm medicines from the pet shop.

Flagyl is only available from vet with consultation of your animal but I have found it to be fantastic stuff for upset tummies. It will kill other parasites that worm medicines won't. My beardy bounced back from sad, grey and ill looking health within hours of receiving one dose of flagyl.
Do you reckon i should just see what its next poo is like or should i go to the vet?
It probably shouldn't hurt to wait to see what the next poop looks like first, but keep an eye on your snake's behaviour in the meantime. If anything changes take her in. But to put your mind at peace, if you aren't particularly worried about the cost of the vet, then do it. Even if she comes home with a clean bill of health. Its never a waste of money if it stops you worrying.
how much do you think it may cost to get a fecal sample tested?
The costs differ in different areas. Consult can cost up to $40 thereabouts. My vet didn't charge me for my snake's faecal sample when I took a male carpet in, so don't know of normal cost for that - could be nothing. Then you have medicines if they give you any. They flagyl I mentioned is $40, antibiotics from $3 a dose depending how much they need to give you. So vets can be a costly affair. Perhaps you can contact an experienced reptile keeper in your area who may be able to look at your snake and advise you accordingly. If you don't know anybody, find your local Herp Club and they, I am sure, will find somebody to help you.
Just worm it. And stick with rats.

Many hatchies get flagyl etc from the feeding of live pinky mice etc from the initial stages of trying to get baby pythons to begin feeding.
It seems just as if not more active than usual, there dosent seem to be anything wrong with him and he seems happy, last time he shed he didnt shed as usual his skin was rolled up about half way from to his tail and the rest shed properly does this have anything to do with it, if so what?
How long ago did it shed? Next time it sheds maybe give it a light spray with water. If it breaks off in bits and pieces its probably cos' there isn't enough moisture shed properly.
it shed quite a while ago, when i noticed that it was not shedding properly i sprayed its tank with midst of water, i think that might have been why it shed properly from then on
Alot of my animals go queit when they are coming up for a shed. Mine usually shed every 2 months when they are youngsters. If you really are concerned, go to a vet. Better safe than sorry.
Rhys..I wouldn't worry about it at the moment..if it continues sure....then worry.

All mine have a runny one now and do us humans !!!!
Probably just the change from mice to rats.
I personally would just be giving it larger mice then changing to rats.
As I have said in other threads..there is no nutrition in a pinky...keeps them alive but that is it. They need fur and bones to grow.
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