Childrens Python Help Needed

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Very Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2008
Reaction score
Manly West, Brisbane
Hi everyone,

I just went to get my Childrens Python out and I noticed this on her back.

A week or so ago, she managed to get herself stuck in the hinge of her enclosure and she did have some damaged scales on her back but I didn't think it was anything to worry about and I thought her next shed would remove a lot of that, but instead it looks worse. Is there anything a vet can do or does it just need to heal on it's own. The wound doesn't appear to be open but I'm wondering if it does need some sort of cream applied to it.

Any help would be appreciated.

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I'd wash in anteseptic ,say chlorohex and apply betadine daily to ward off any infection.
chemist julie betadine is a burn cream that stops infections :D
I got some Liquid Betadine from the vet around the corner and they told me to dilute it and bath the area each day.
Hey Jewly you could use F10 barrier ointment its really good for wounds.
And feed the animal heaps to encourage it to shed and close the gap.
Hey Jewly you could use F10 barrier ointment its really good for wounds.

Thanks Beeman. After this little episode, I think I might get myself together a little first aid kit for all the various animals I have. That way I'll have something on hand should something go wrong.

And feed the animal heaps to encourage it to shed and close the gap.

It's good timing in a way cause I was planning on upping the size of her food this week. I'll be feeding my first lot of culled rats that I bred myself.
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