Childrens Python not eating

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New Member
Feb 17, 2009
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Coffs Harbour/ Lismore
I just bought a 5 month old Childrens and I was about to give her her first feed from me. She has had a number of feeds before (like 13) and shed last week. I never see her completly on her heat mate which is set to 27- 32c so it would appear she is not cold. This is my first snake and I am completely lost.
dude some advice STRESS LESS the more you stress the more your python will stress

if your python isent on the heat mat it means its at the right temp
but also it could be ready for another shed when my spotteds were younger ther would shed every week
How long have you had it? Maybe it needs to settle in.
How long have you had it ?
What is the actual temp on the heat mat ?
What is it housed in ?
How / what did you try to feed ?

If you only had it a few days/week , then dont worry , leave it alone for a bit longer
Temp on the mat should be 31-32
if your python isent on the heat mat it means its at the right temp

How do you figure that ??

So if a snake is not on its matt , then the temps are correct ?????
maybe the hot end is at 40 degrees and its trying to escape the hot end .....which would mean the cool end it also to hot ..
I have had her 11 days, not that long. She is in the enclosure that I was given by the breeders, she had grown up in it. I have been trying to feed her large pinkies that are just starting to get hair but not quiet fuzzies.
Last time I checked (earlier today) the temp was at 30.
Just using twizzers and dangling it in front of her.
She seems happy a little quieter than normal, trying to hide a bit more rather than trying to come out as soon as I open her home.
Give her some time, don't stress just yet, keep the amient around 30 degress. Post up a pic of the enclosure if possible.
Just try again next week. Could be bout to shed or a liltte stressed from the move. no need to panic.
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