Coastal Carpet Python with hiccups

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Oct 10, 2013
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Hi. I know snakes can't have hiccups but it is the best I can describe what is occurring. She is a 4 and a half year old CCP that is housed with her brother. I've had them both since they were juveniles purchased privately. I've noted over the last week she is twitching/hiccupping/jolting. Sometimes it is only seldom and other times it is about once a second for about 15 jolts. I've tried to search for causes and nothing really sounds like it, but, reading of IBD etc I'm really worried. She has eaten about 3 days ago and other than the twitches appears normal although perhaps she is spending more time on her elevated branch. Can anyone assist? If anyone can help I can send a video through that show what I am describing if you get in touch
Thanks in advance for anyone who can help.
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Possibility it could be coughing/sneezing? Due to Respiratory Illness or dusty substrate?
Have you checked it for any mucus in the nostrils/mouth/windpipe. Also something my vet also checks when doing checkups is the "righting" reflex- place the snake on the ground on its back rather than its belly. It should roll over onto its belly. Snakes with IBD lose their righting reflex.

Has it shed recently or about to?

Thanks for the reply Aaron. When she does the jolt there is no sound of wheezing or air expulsion that I would have expected from a cough or a sneeze. Her substrate was quite compacted and not dusty. I haven't checked for mucus etc as she is pretty difficult to contain on my own (with two hands at the head end the rest of her does tend to go for the throat:) I also haven't tried the righting reflex, but, when she was removed from her enclosure and put into her feeding tub she got herself sorted into the right orientation, struck powerfully and consumed her jumbo adult rat without any issue. She has not shed recently, but, neither has her brother in the same enclosure. They are due to shed, but, are not showing immediate signs of opaque eyes.

I think they are both going to the vet today as I can't stomach the thought of her being in pain or discomfort.

Thanks, Chris.
Explaining their history and lack of external contact IBD was ruled out as very unlikely. They were both good weights (5 and 5.5 kg) and showed good body condition (perhaps a little heavy). Inspection of the mouths showed a couple of small marks on the gums of the girl who was showing the "hiccups" while the boy had red gums and more marks and the colour wasn't "right". Neither had large amounts of mucous. Swabs were taken for both snakes and sent for analysis which results should be back in the next day or two. Thinking it was likely an RI they were started on antibiotics and I increased the basking temperature to 34C. They go back today for another shot of antibiotics. The "hiccupping" has reduced significantly and she seems to be spending a lot of time basking.

I'll report back once I know more.

Thanks, Chris.
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