common scaly-foot Breeders.

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Apr 13, 2024
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Does anyone know of any trust worthy reliable scaly foot breeders in the melborune victoria area? been looking for one and yet to find one.
Does anyone know of any trust worthy reliable scaly foot breeders in the melborune victoria area? been looking for one and yet to find one.

No one reliably breeds Scaly-foots. It's pretty hit and miss with them. If you want Scaly-foots you pretty much have to either be very patient and wait for some good ones to come up, or grab whatever you can when they come up. They usually get bought pretty quickly when they become available.

I played around with Scaly-foots for quite a few years, I had some success, but it was very mixed. Some years I'd have several females breeding, sometimes multiclutching. Some seasons none of them would produce anything. I never quite worked out what the trick to getting them producing consistently, and to my knowledge no one else has ever really worked it out. They're pretty easy to keep happy though. Hoodeds are just about indestructible, Commons are also tough but some individuals can be tricky feeders, some will eat nothing but spiders for example. Some Commons can also be pretty nasty, killing cagemates, while others get along fine.

If someone works out how to consistently breed them I'm sure they'll become extremely popular.
No one reliably breeds Scaly-foots. It's pretty hit and miss with them. If you want Scaly-foots you pretty much have to either be very patient and wait for some good ones to come up, or grab whatever you can when they come up. They usually get bought pretty quickly when they become available.

I played around with Scaly-foots for quite a few years, I had some success, but it was very mixed. Some years I'd have several females breeding, sometimes multiclutching. Some seasons none of them would produce anything. I never quite worked out what the trick to getting them producing consistently, and to my knowledge no one else has ever really worked it out. They're pretty easy to keep happy though. Hoodeds are just about indestructible, Commons are also tough but some individuals can be tricky feeders, some will eat nothing but spiders for example. Some Commons can also be pretty nasty, killing cagemates, while others get along fine.

If someone works out how to consistently breed them I'm sure they'll become extremely popular.
When they are being sold where abouts are they being sold, ive looked online and haven't even found any listings for them. or would they be found at places like melbroune reptile expo?

and regarding their feeding habbits how common are pickey eaters? i live in quite a remote area where the closest reptile store that sells basic reptile feed is an hour away. im fine with waiting years to get one, I'm in no rush but if its a high chance of getting a picky eater that will be a deal breaker for me.

There was a few for sale on reptile classifieds over the last few months
I saw those listings but i wasn't to sure how reliable they where. i'm very cautious when it comes to getting my reptiles i've known plenty of people who got burned buying from sketchy breeders.
When they are being sold where abouts are they being sold, ive looked online and haven't even found any listings for them. or would they be found at places like melbroune reptile expo?

and regarding their feeding habbits how common are pickey eaters? i live in quite a remote area where the closest reptile store that sells basic reptile feed is an hour away. im fine with waiting years to get one, I'm in no rush but if its a high chance of getting a picky eater that will be a deal breaker for me.

I saw those listings but i wasn't to sure how reliable they where. i'm very cautious when it comes to getting my reptiles i've known plenty of people who got burned buying from sketchy breeders.
some of us on reptile classifieds are verified, look for this to know who you can trust. We have proved our identity and don't sell dodgy critters
When they are being sold where abouts are they being sold, ive looked online and haven't even found any listings for them. or would they be found at places like melbroune reptile expo?

and regarding their feeding habbits how common are pickey eaters? i live in quite a remote area where the closest reptile store that sells basic reptile feed is an hour away. im fine with waiting years to get one, I'm in no rush but if its a high chance of getting a picky eater that will be a deal breaker for me.

I saw those listings but i wasn't to sure how reliable they where. i'm very cautious when it comes to getting my reptiles i've known plenty of people who got burned buying from sketchy breeders.
As I said, they don't come up particularly often. You'll see them where you see them, and you might have to wait for some to pop up, and they'll likely be wild caught etc.

The most recent ones I know of coming up for sale were immediately snapped up by a friend of mine, I went and visited him last month, they looked very much wild caught to me - scars and regenerated tails etc. He was in no way surprised and expected it would probably be the case. If you want Scaly-foots you can be entirely sure are healthy and captive bred, you may be waiting indefinitely, though I'll be thrilled if people make more progress with them and they do start being bred consistently, which I hope will happen at some stage.

I couldn't give you any figures on the percentage of individuals which are picky feeders, but I don't see reptile stores as being relevant. I've kept and bred countless lizards of all the Australian lizard groups and the amount of lizard feed I've purchased from reptiles shops is exactly zero (I can't say I've ever bought snake feed from a reptile shop either... actually, after decades of breeding reptiles the only thing I can ever remember buying from a reptile shop is a single UV tube (I needed them for the experiments back in the day and bought one from a herp pet shop over 20 years ago), and I don't think they'd sell things like spiders (at least at a price you could afford to feed to lizards) anyway. They'll pretty much all eat banana etc, but that's more of a treat than a diet. All the Scaly-foots of both species I've worked with which I produced as captive hatched babies fed well on woodies from the start. I've certainly obtained adults which wouldn't touch them. If someone starts them on crickets they may sometimes be tricky to convert to woodies, or you may prefer to use crickets anyway. I personally wouldn't be willing to keep lizards which required me to routinely buy live feed for - between the expense, the hassle and the disease/parasite risk, it's a deal breaker for me.
Thanks for being so informative on this subject, from what you have told me i think ill wait till they can be capative bred. I've had trouble in the pass with wild caught anaimals and morally i couldn't keep an animal that had been taken from its habbitat. regarding the feed, i only have a few reptiles. at this time i only have an albino darwin a leather back beardie and a murry river turtle, so feed isn't to much of an issue for me. along with that i buy my rats in block once every couple of years from someone who i have been buying from for years now.

for me id rather wait till they are capative bred consistently before i get one.

thanks so much for the advice
Thanks for being so informative on this subject, from what you have told me i think ill wait till they can be capative bred. I've had trouble in the pass with wild caught anaimals and morally i couldn't keep an animal that had been taken from its habbitat. regarding the feed, i only have a few reptiles. at this time i only have an albino darwin a leather back beardie and a murry river turtle, so feed isn't to much of an issue for me. along with that i buy my rats in block once every couple of years from someone who i have been buying from for years now.

for me id rather wait till they are capative bred consistently before i get one.

thanks so much for the advice

People do breed them from time to time, just not consistently. I hope this changes, but you may be waiting indefinitely.
I hope in the some what near future people figure out how to breed these little guys consistently, until then ill wait. I don't want to get a wild caught one.

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